Reference no: EM133815662
How to Build a Strong Society
Which ideas, Johnson's or Reagan's, were best for the U.S. in 1964?
Pretend it is 1964 and you do not know what Johnson did after he won the election of 1964 and pretend you do not know that Reagan was not a candidate (he won later - in 1980). Just as a listener to these speeches, who do you think has the best ideas about the role of the government in creating a strong society?
One good way to organize your response could be:
Paragraph 1: Based on what you have learned so far this semester, describe the criteria necessary to create a strong society. (Hint: you have already written about the New Deal and whether or not it supports the purpose of the federal government in the U.S. Constitution - go re-read your response to that assignment.)
Paragraph 2: Identify the two strongest points made by both Johnson and Reagan as regards the role of the federal government. Describe your reasoning for why these are the strongest points. Include an explanation of how their ideas are different.
Paragraph 3: Identify whose ideas, based on these speeches, would help build the strongest society, Lyndon B. Johnson or Ronald Reagan. Be sure to clearly describe, using evidence from the historical context of the 1960s, why these ideas would be best.