Role of subjective factors and interpretive strategies

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Reference no: EM133453598

The book "Gone with the wind". Relying on memory, old assignments, any journal entries, lecture notes, or the like that you may have available, summarize the story as you remember it, and write a thorough response statement from the perspective of your initial encounter with the book, including the personal experiences and relationships that helped you relate to the book at the time. Now reread/re-watch the text, and compare your current response. A word of advice: At this point in the semester, many students believe that just because this is a focused free-write, using paragraphs properly becomes a foreign concept. Just because I am asking you to write a thorough response statement detailing a story about you and your experience with a text doesn't mean you should forget the rules of composition.

What does comparing and contrasting your two encounters with the text reveal about the role of subjective factors and interpretive strategies in how readers make meaning? How might you apply what you've learned to improve how literature is taught?

Reference no: EM133453598

Questions Cloud

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Which individuals know nothing about their particular talent : The condition in which individuals know nothing about their particular talents, abilities, tastes, social class, or position in society.
First design project : Micha was introduced to Roberto and Gaylord and told that Roberto would be part of her team on the first design project.
Role of subjective factors and interpretive strategies : The text reveal about the role of subjective factors and interpretive strategies in how readers make meaning?
Standard recommendations for furniture for infant : What are the standard recommendations for furniture for Infant/toddler lay out in a childcare? and Why are these important in their development?
Executive summary for program proposal : What is the significance of a well-written abstract or executive summary for a program proposal?
Why the rate of children born : What are the explanations offered for why the rate of children born to unmarried mothers has increased so drastically?
Important contributions to operation of social system : Explain Durkheim's claim that crime makes important contributions to the operation of a social system.


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