Role of project management in modern organizations

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM1338616


This is a new position within the company and your manager has asked you to create a job description for the project manager's responsibilities on the tradeshow project, which they can use for future candidates. Create a job description for the project manager; describe the main responsibilities and duties that must be completed by a project manager.


# Describe the role of project management in modern organizations.
# Function within a project team environment.


You have been assigned to lead a trade show project to represent your company, LRH Products. The national trade show will take place in Sacramento, California. This will be the first time that you have managed a trade show project for LRH Products. Your current position in the company entailed marketing development and sales. After being informed of your new responsibilities, you also were told that your marketing team was also selected to help you manage the trade show project. You realized that the trade show project will require an enormous amount of planning and procurement activities, which includes, but is not limited to: updating the trade show display, re-stocking the collaterals (brochures, signs, presentations), ordering new give aways, transporting trade show materials, setting up and managing the display area, making all travel arrangements and formally closing the project. At this time, you do not need to update any of the printed collaterals, but the presentation will likely need some updating and small modifications. The sales people who will staff the display booth also need to be identified, notified, and trained. Uniforms for the sales team may also be necessary and would require procurement.

The sponsors have informed you and your team members that this project needs to start ten (10) weeks before the event. The display needs to be shipped ten (10) calendar days before the event begins to ensure adequate time for set-up by the on-site trade show staff. After performing a cost estimate and examining historical records from past trade show projects, your team believes that the project has adequate budget.

You are available to work up to 16 hours a week on the project. As the newest person in the Marketing Department, you are not very familiar with the products or what has been done at previous trade shows. You have significant experience organizing trade show events, since you used to work for one of their competitors. You also have experience training sales staff. You have not worked with your companyâ??s vendors yet, so you are unsure of the environment factors, contract requirements and procedures that you must follow when procuring resources for the trade show. You have been assigned the following individuals to draw upon their expertise for help and guidance:

Hours available per week - 12

Related Experience - Is very knowledgeable about the company's products and has a solid working relationship with the sales staff. He has been involved in several past trade shows, taking on many responsibilities.

Comments - Likes to update the collaterals, especially the presentation. Is comfortable training the sales staff, but doesn't always cover the material correctly. Will go on vacation four weeks prior to the trade show and will be off for two weeks.


Hours available per week - 8

Related Experience - Administrative assistant for the Marketing Department and has been involved in preparations for several trade shows.

Comments: Great communication and people skills. Enjoys working on the give-aways and presentations. Does not enjoy making travel arrangements and tends to make mistakes in scheduling and estimating. There might be a chance that Terry will be pulled away from this project to support more time-critical activities.

Reference no: EM1338616

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