Role of policy development framing enterprise performance

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1327730 , Length: 1000 Words

1) What role does culture play in shaping enterprise performance? How do leaders build effective cultures? How do values and shared vision and beliefs help drive enterprise culture and performance?

2) Developing effective implementation strategies is essential to achieving stated goals and objectives. How does linking short-term objectives to strategies and functional tactics help shape implementation plans? What is the role of policy development in framing enterprise performance?

3) How is the balanced scorecard approach to strategic controls different from previous approaches? How does this help an organization in creating and implementing change?

4) Innovation is seen as a main component of developing competitive advantage in today's hyper-competitive environment. How is innovation developed and used to enhance enterprise performance? What factors help shape innovation strategies? How is innovation used as a tool by entrepreneurs?

Reference no: EM1327730

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