Role of physical activity in managing hypertension

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133653665


Help needed on the following assignment. Prepare a sample presentation on the following topic. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES. Include the following tips.

A. What format will you share your information? (Poster Board)

B. What are your goals for your station? And how will you know you met your goals?

C. Great that you begin with the role of physical activity in managing hypertension. The big idea here is that physical activity is important to reducing risk, preventing, and even treating hypertension in conjunction with medical care.

D. What interactive teaching methods will you use?

E. How will you measure understanding?

F. Will you demonstrate activities and have return demonstration?

Reference no: EM133653665

Questions Cloud

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Role of physical activity in managing hypertension : The big idea here is that physical activity is important to reducing risk, preventing, and even treating hypertension in conjunction with medical care.
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Describe the measurement considerations for core framework : Describe the measurement considerations for core framework construct for community health workers.


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