Role of object oriented programming in modern programming

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13884451

Assignment .1

Create a class called Card that represents a playing card. A Card has two fields: displayValue and suit. A card should be able to display itself.

Create a class called Deck that represents a Deck of 52 Cards. The Deck should be able to shuffle itself, display itself, and deal a card.

Dealing a card should return the Card from the top of the deck. Dealing a card twice in a row should NOT return the same Card. That is to say, that dealing a Card changes the position of the top of the deck.

Test your Card and Deck classes thoroughly.

NOTE: Make sure to submit your code as a zipped folder, and NOT as .java files. Your zipped folder may contain the .java files.

Assignment .2

Write a 3-5 page paper discussing the role of Object Oriented programming in modern programming solutions. How does OOP compare to Procedural Programming? Is Procedural Programming dead? Discuss the history of OOP. What was the first OOP language and what was the motivation to create it. How did OOP languages evolve? What do you predict to be the next evolution of Computer Programming?

Reference no: EM13884451

Questions Cloud

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