Role of information security

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Reference no: EM13781376

Role of Information Security

particularly in a manner that improves risk management and more importantly compliance with new regulatory or legislation requirements. In the case of Inova, minimization of confidentiality and integrity attacks on the organization's web-based EHR would be the important role played by securing and protecting information when it comes to the realization of a healthy network environment.

To meet the information security needs raised in the paper, there are several systems and devices that can provide security services. For example, file encryption tools or systems like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) can be used to protect some of the data stored in the organization's database. However, the most appropriate cryptographic technique ought to be chosen for enhanced data security.

It's also important to include heuristics and analytical tools to help eliminate the problem of accidental disclosure of information by the authorized users or abnormal patterns of system behavior that might arise within Inova Fairfax Hospital's web based HER system.

These tools include highly granular data integrity devices like TripWire, honeypots or honeynets. Other systems include an antivirus that cannot be easily disabled (Al-Ahmad & Mohammad, 2013).

It's impossible to disregard the importance of information system security, but the building block of a good security approach ought to be founded on the existence of a good data security strategy and effective implementation. An organization like Inova ought to mitigate risks in order to prevent any incidences of data manipulation or loss, which affect its reputation, and hence its ability to offer high quality services to consumers.

Reference no: EM13781376

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