Role of hardware components and operating system

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131559404


  • Internet search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing
  • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: Module 1: Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture
  • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: Module 2: Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources
  • MindTap: Week 1 Tutorials

Create a Microsoft® Word document saved under the following format: Lastname_Course#_W1.doc. 

Research computer hardware and software and how they work together to process user requests. 

Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer: 

  • Discuss what hardware components should be considered when deciding what applications to install. 
  • Sum up the key utilities in operating system software allowing users to customize their desktop and keep their PC maintained and optimized.

Include the following in the summary: 

  • Format paper using APA Guidelines found in the link Writing and Style Guidelines (APA) for 100-299 classes on the lower right side of the Class Home page.
  • Use what you learned in Word Modules 1 & 2 to insert in-text citations and references using APA style.
  • Use the Word Bulleted feature to list basic hardware components and define their function.
  • Insert a picture or image of your PC, or one that you found on the internet. Type the make and model of PC under the picture and apply Word features to bold and highlight.

Reference no: EM131559404

Questions Cloud

Discuss the case of investment analysis : INVESTMENT ANALYSIS The proprietor of Midland Construction Company has to decide between two projects. He estimates that the first project will yield a profit.
What is max expected profit : EXPECTED PROFIT Max built a spec house at a cost of $450,000. He estimates that he can sell the house for $580,000, $570,000, or $560,000, with probabilities.
Instructions organized for a common purpose : Systems programs (software) consist of instructions organized for a common purpose and tell the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them.
Select a professional sports team and discuss about it : Select a professional sports team, college athletic department, or other sport related organization to serve as the basis for your plan.
Role of hardware components and operating system : Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer:
What is minimum amount that he can expect to pay for policy : LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES As a fringe benefit, Dennis Taylor receives a $25,000 life insurance policy from his employer.
What is the discounted payback period for these cash flows : What is the discounted payback period for these cash flows if the initial cost is $9,000?
Record these vehicle purchases in the purchases journal : Invested $340000.00 into the business, depositing it into the bank account. Record these vehicle purchases in the purchases journal
Create a new thread in the discussion board : Create a new thread in the Discussion Board that will reserve the article you would like to critique.


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