Role of government in provision of social welfare

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Reference no: EM133569830


1. John Rawls gets special attention social work scholars concerned with social justice issues. Not everyone agrees with him, but his ideas are often at the center of the discussion. His theory of distributive justice, which falls roughly in the Egalitarian school of thought, is fairly intricate and has a number of components. One of them (which is central to philosophical justifications of the welfare state) is his principle of redress. With this principle, Rawls is arguing that unearned advantages, whatever they may be (for example: being born into a rich family, being taller, stronger, better looking, than others; being more intelligent than others) or unearned disadvantages should not be the basis for differences in the distribution of the basic goods of life. And to the extent they are (and of course they are) is justifiable for society to create some sort of mechanism to compensate for those unearned differences. This aspect of Rawls' theory of Justice has ended up being central to contemporary political debates over the size, scope and role of the American Welfare State.

- Why do you think this principle so central to Rawls theory?

- What does it call for in terms of the role of government in the provision of social welfare?

- Why is it not surprising that conservatives have objected to this principle so much? What is their objection?

2. Pick any type of service or activity commonly carried out by social workers (take your placement, for example; or whatever domain of the field you are interested in). Why should taxpayers be forced to support (pay) you and your colleagues for your efforts and activities? On what principle do you justify the tax dollars collected on your (or your organization's) behalf?

Reference no: EM133569830

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