Role of family in hispanic culture

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133569693


Using this source: The Powerful Role of Family in Hispanic Culture [Unlike U.S. Culture] (

Answer the following:

  1. Who is the author? (Who created this source? Consider how the author's identity informs the document.)
  2. What type of source is this?
  3. What is the message of the source? (What is the author describing? What is happening in the text? What is the story?)
  4. Who is the intended audience? (Who is the author addressing? Was the source intended for private or public consumption? Identifying the audience will help you answer the next question.
  5. Why was the source created? (Does the author have an agenda or larger purpose? Is the author trying to persuade the audience? Is the document simply a compilation of facts, or does it include opinion, inference, or interpretation?)
  6. Is the source credible and accurate? (Scholars must examine every source with a critical eye. What do you know about the author? Does the document make sense? Do the facts presented by the author or what you know about the time period support the thesis, statement, assertion, or story the author is conveying? Why should you trust, or distrust, this source?
  7. How does the source relate to an issue or theme in a particular time period? (What is the historical context in which the document was created? What was going on at the time that this source was created? What significant local, regional, or national events might this source relate to?)

Reference no: EM133569693

Questions Cloud

Why is the war on democracy : Why is Pilger's documentary titled "The War on Democracy"? In what ways does this title capture his critique of US intervention in Latin America?
How did the magisterial reformers-anglicans : How did the magisterial reformers, Anglicans and Anabaptist differ in their view of church-state relations?
How does the treatment of human figure in hiberno-saxon art : How does the treatment of the human figure in Hiberno-Saxon art differ from the treatment of the human form in Greece and Rome.
What basis did the king claim power : Did the king have absolute power, or was his power somehow limited? Upon what basis did the king claim power? Who had access to the king?
Role of family in hispanic culture : Using this source: The Powerful Role of Family in Hispanic Culture [Unlike U.S. Culture] (
How did minstrel shows depict the lives of african american : How did whites perceive African Americans during slavery and post Emancipation. How did minstrel shows depict the lives of African Americans?
Introduction to history model : What is historiography and why is it important to historians and the general public? What is "the landscape of history?"
Read president monroe outlines the monroe doctrine : Read President Monroe Outlines the Monroe Doctrine, 1823 | The American Yawp Reader, outlining the joint policy promoted by Monroe.
What were some of the challenges faced by abolitionists : What were some of the challenges faced by abolitionists. What court cases and legislation challenged the philosophy and how did abolitionist respond.


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