Role of ethical decision making

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Reference no: EM132165292

The role of ethical decision making in becoming an effective manager

Understanding the task

- Before starting, you should make sure you understand the difference between this and other assignments.
- The focus here is on assessing your skills and competencies for managing and planning to develop them in the future.

This requires:
understanding what ethical management involves (how it is defined and understood in academic writing) what you currently think of your skills and abilities in terms of being an effective manager and an ethical decision maker and how you could develop these skills in the future.
- In addition, you must consider the impact of personality factors on your capability to make ethical decisions.
- Please read the rubric on Blackboard carefully as you prepare this assignment

Essay format
- In this essay you are asked to present your viewpoint and to argue for it. This means giving evidence or justification for your conclusions, and being clear where the evidence or arguments are uncertain or raise further questions.
- Some of your essay may involve description but it should also demonstrate critical thinking, including analysis and evaluation.
- You should draw on learning from the text and class activities, discussions with others, and relevant academic references.
- Essays written for a business context should have headings and sub-headings.
- Although this essay has many sections, it must form a cohesive whole. The scope of each section will depend on the word count.
- The foundations of a good essay are good body paragraphs and a logical sequencing of ideas.

Essay sections (on p.13 of your unit plan)
- introduction #1
- body/discussion
literature review #2 evaluation #3 plan #4
- conclusion #5 references #6
- appendices #7

When you submit your essay, it will have the 7 sections outlined on the previous slide, in the order that they are listed in the unit plan.
However, the best place to start preparing your assignment is to look at questionnaires you answered in class (#3).

Next, search for management literature (#2) that relates to your results. E.g. search for literature that shows a relationship between ethical decision making and effective management (or best practice for managers).

You will need to consider the literature in evaluating your results. This means you will move back and forwards between sections #2 and #3.
When you have a draft of sections 2 and 3 you should proceed to make a plan (#4).

After you have drafted the plan you can write your introduction (#1) and conclusion (#5).

Your references and appendices should be developed throughout the writing process.

Introduction (300 words)

Make a general statement about ethical decision making and why it is important in business contexts.

Make a statement about the possible links between ethical decision making and its contribution toward effective managerial practice.

Write a thesis statement. Start by indicating that this essay reviews literature about the importance of ethical decision making to effective management. Say which particular skills and personality factors you are focussing on.

Indicate that the review is followed by an evaluation of your own capability development of your skills and competencies as an ethical effectivemanager.You Need to say what methods you have used to evaluate your managerial capabilities (skills and personality). You also need to state that you have created a plan for further

#2 Literature review (1000 words)

- Review recent and relevant literature about ethical decision making; include both hard and soft skills. It is better to start broad and then narrow to some key skills. This will allow you to be critical rather than simply listing skills. It is helpful to pick skills that you are keen to develop. (You may have identified these skills by doing some of the quizzes in the unit.) This will help to build cohesion through your essay.

- Review the literature on ethical decision making in a business context. Start broad and then narrow your focus. (It is helpful if you choose an area that is particularly relevant to you personally and professionally). A narrower focus will allow you to critically analyse the literature. (possible search terms to try include: ethics, ethical management, ethical behaviour, managing ethically, ethical dilemmas in business) Remember to cover (p. 13 of unit plan):
a) How ethical decision making relates to effective managerial practice
b) What capabilities/skills are needed to promote good ethical decision making
c) How personality relates to ethical decision making
d) One-paragraph summary
- This section of your essay is where you demonstrate your research skills. You need to start early in order to find appropriate literature. Most of your references will be journal articles.
- Write approximately 1,000 words. This section will be in 3rd person voice i.e. According to Jones (2010),... Or Jones (2010) concludes that...
- Cite at least 10 non-textbook references (in addition to your textbook). These should be dominated by recent peerreview journal articles. All paragraphs in the lit review must have in-text references.

#3 Evaluation (600 words)
- This section is about you, so it is appropriate to use 1st person voice.
- It includes an analysis of your personality and the level of the skills and competencies you have identified as being relevant to your ability to become an effective manager who makes ethical decisions.
- You should include a discussion of relevant in-class questionnaire results (include them as ONE table in an Appendix).
- Your task in this section is to think critically about your results, in light of what you have read about ethical decision making in the literature.

#4 Plan (650 words)
- Use the plan section to specify a minimum of two and up to three goals (using the SMART goals framework), skills or competences you will focus on,
- how and when you will learn them,
- and how you will know you have learned them.

#5 Conclusion (200 words)
Your conclusion should bring your essay to a close by summarising the key points:
- Why was this analysis undertaken?
- Where did you get your information/evidence?
- How consistent is the evidence?
- What did you learn? Did it surprise you or confirm what you already knew?
- What you intend to do with this knowledge and why?

#6 References ( At least 12 references)
- You must have a reference list which is formatted according to APA 6th guidelines.
- Reference your quizzes (by URL if not published).
- The ECU Reference Guide shows how you how to format your reference list.
- The references must be in alphabetical order and have hanging indents.
- There are further referencing materials available online via the library site and Academic Skills Centre.
- If you get stumped with how to reference a particular source, you can email the library for help.
- Please look at feedback that you have received on referencing in previous assignment tasks. Learn from the mistakes that you have made in the past. Aim to improve with each assignment.

#7 Appendices
- Label your appendices A, B, C...
- Include a detailed table of questionnaires and/or quizzes results in Appendix
- You must refer to your appendices in the text of your work. E.g. For detailed test results see Appendix A.

Reference no: EM132165292

Questions Cloud

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Role of ethical decision making : The role of ethical decision making in becoming an effective manager - Some of your essay may involve description but it should
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How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land : What are 2 examples of contemporary hunter-gatherer societies? How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land?
What is noteworthy about the reading : Reflective Responses: Students will submit a single-spaced one-page reflective papers (Times New Roman 12 pt. font) on the assigned reading for the class.
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11/13/2018 3:39:55 AM

Credit (60-69%) 6 - 6.5 marks Distinction (70-79%) 7 - 7.5 marks Written - Adequate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, syntax and referencing with only a few errors (3-5). Has a clear structure indicated by headings but some content is not as well analysed. Verbal - uses appropriate language with good awareness of audience purpose and context. Written - Appropriate and accurate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, syntax and referencing. Minor errors (1-2 errors). Clear structure throughout. Verbal - Uses suitable language with full awareness of audience, purpose and context.


11/13/2018 3:39:43 AM

CRITERIA Fail (49% 0r Below) 1-4.5 marks Pass (50-59%) 5- 5.5 marks communication - standard of verbal and written communication in class, online (including email with staff) and in assignments. This section is worth up to 10 marks. Written - Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax are very poor and/or there is no clear logical flow. Verbal - uses language that is unsuitable for the audience and purpose or is unclear in its message. Written - Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, syntax and referencing demonstrate some errors (more than 5). Has a basic structure but is not clear throughout. Verbal - uses language that is adequate but imprecise for the audience, purpose or context.


11/13/2018 3:38:56 AM

High Distinction (80-100%) 12.5 -15 marks The purpose of the essay is readily apparent to the reader. Consisely stated the essay is written in an engaging and thought provoking manner. The groundwork for the essay is easy to predict because important topics that will be discussed are specifically mentioned in the introduction. In the literature review there are clear examples to support specific topic sentences and to support the over purpose of the essay. The reader can gain important insights from what is written. The analysis poses novel ways to think about the material provided. Quote material is well integrated and there is a deep coverage of the material provided.


11/13/2018 3:38:38 AM

Credit (60-69%) 8-10 marks Distinction (70-79%) 10.5-12 marks The format of the essay is above general university standards. In the introduction, the purpose is clear, complete, and focussed. References are given that are relevant to the opic. The literature review has used quotes and paraphrasing apporpriately in all cases. The review provides a clear argument and clear supporting statements are made with no major content ommitted. The format is good and the purpose of the essay is readily apparent to the reader. The essay is generally written in an engaging manner. The groundwork for the essay is generally predictable although at least one important topic could have been expanded upon based on the introduction or later discussion. In the literature review there are some clear examples to support specific topic sentences and to support the over purpose of the essay. The reader can gain some important insights from what is written. The analysis is thorough. Quoted material is well integrated and referenced and there is in most cases deep coverage of the material is provided.


11/13/2018 3:37:41 AM

Criteria Fail (49% 0r Below) 1-6 marks Pass (50-59%) 6.5 - 7.5 marks Approach - Overall approach to completing the assignment ncluding fromatting, language and presentation. This criterion s worth up to 15 marks. The format of the essay does not meet university standards. In the introduction, the purpose generally unclear, incomplete, lacks focus of incomplete and no reference is given to the topic or relevance. The literature review relies on stringing together quotes or close paraphrasing. The review fails to support statements with major content ommitted and where quotes are made they are not integrated properly. The format of the essay meets university standards. In the introduction, the purpose generally clear, complete, and is focussed and few references are given to the topic or relevant. The literature review has used quotes and paraphrasing apporpriately in most cases. The review provides general support statements with no major content ommitted.


11/13/2018 3:36:25 AM

I want my assignment to be done according to the university criteria and the MATERIALS used should be from the LEARNING MODULES I'm attaching and SOME from other sources. And also the grammar be properly used. As last time had a bad experience with other organization regarding the grammar and the material used. And regarding material try to use : definition, using personality test, and other two tests from modules, referencing, critical thinking: analyzing and well structured logical sequencing Use questionnaire Literature RELATION between ethical decision making and effective managing (tell less definition and tell why it is important) use some images, theories, examples, quotes, publications (with referencing)

Write a Review

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