Role of a therapist for a classroom demonstration

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132292256


Suppose you are to play the role of a therapist for a classroom demonstration (you may choose the mental disorder - for example, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder - of your pretend patient).

For this assignment, you are to describe how you would act depending upon at least three of the following therapeutic styles

1) psychoanalysis (psychodynamic perspective)

2) behavioral (behavior therapy)

3) cognitive (cognitive therapy)

4) cognitive-behavioral

5) humanistic and

6) biomedical. For each therapeutic style you are required to research, review and incorporate at least one additional resource other than your textbook.

The resource MUST be valid and reliable (e.g., scholarly journal, reputable newspaper, university/college website, hospital website such as, etc.). Be sure to provide a citation or link for the outside source of information

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The assignment has laid out what are the measures the student will undertake being a therapist to treat his assumed patient suffering from depression. The assignment has defined depression and then gone on to define three types of treatment namely psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy. For each of the treatment mentioned, the assignment has described what steps the therapist will undertake to treat the patient

Reference no: EM132292256

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4/24/2019 4:24:09 AM

do not copy from a website or outside source of information. Do not use direct quotes. You must summarize and paraphrase information in your own words and provide the appropriate citation or link. Failure to do so will result in 0 points.

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