Role of a strategic analyst for a real-world company

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133761927

Task Description:

In this assessment task, you will assume the role of a strategic analyst for a real-world company. Your task is to analyze the company's current strategic position and propose recommendations to improve its competitive advantage. This assessment will help you apply the strategic concepts and frameworks covered in the course to a real-world scenario.

For this assignment, you'll select a company that operates predominantly online. This company should have operated for at least 5 years and have accessible data, sourced from public disclosures, financial reports, or industry-related news. Your central objective is to evaluate the company's strategic stance and recommend ways to boost its competitive edge. Understanding key industry developments and their implications is crucial. Your work will bridge academic theories and practical applications, utilizing the strategic concepts and frameworks taught in the course. Based on your analysis, you're expected to produce a report. This report should assess the suitability of the company's existing strategy, especially considering industry changes and the effectiveness of the current strategy. Ensure your report is evidence-based and uses appropriate evaluation methods. Your assignment should also pinpoint the company's strategic positioning and its value proposition.

Task Components:

Company Selection: Choose a real-world company that meets the criteria mentioned above. An active online presence is a key factor as it offers essential data to evaluate the firm's strategic decisions and its positioning in the competitive landscape.

Analysis: Dive deep into the chosen company's core competencies and evaluate key industry trends and their implications on the firm. (e.g. Investigate pivotal industry developments and deduce their implications for the selected firm; A strategic analysis of an essential component of the internal environment; Evidence sourced from diverse data points about the industry and the success of the company's existing strategy; and Implementing suitable criteria to evaluate the strategy's continued relevance in the face of industry evolution.)

Strategic Tools & Framework Application: Utilize strategic models and theories from the course to analyze and understand the company's strategic decisions and direction.

Strategic Recommendations: Based on your detailed analysis, propose strategic recommendations that would bolster the company's competitive edge.

Reference no: EM133761927

Questions Cloud

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