Role of a schema in psychology

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133488454


VIDEO: Business English B1 - B2: Participating in meetings


Based on the nonverbal cues presented in the video, the characters express an array of facial expressions. I have observed the main speaker (the gentleman wearing white) to have demonstrated many affect blends thoughout the meeting, making it quite difficult to decode his non-verbal cues. An affect blend is the sort of expression you might display if a person told you something that was both horrible and inappropriate-you'd be disgusted with the content and angry that the person told you. A second complication is that aspects of the same facial expression can have different implications based on context and other cues (Hassin, Aviezer, & Bentin, 2013; Parkinson, 2013; Wenzler et al., 2016).

The information I was able to obtain was this is a business meeting about a new decision that is being proposed, and the two characters that arrived last are the managers or head in charge. The associates that are on the opposing end of this business meeting are expressing varying emotions, the woman appears to be in disagreement with this new information based off of her facial expressions of digust, and her switching her gaze from the man to the women often while she is speaking, whereas the gentleman beside her seems to be neutral based on his relaxed facial expresssions, and his body language of putting his arms up frequently using his hands often as a form of expressive communciation.

The schemas I employed to futher understand the scene are event and accessibility. Event schemas typically include profesionalism which is the first aspect of this scene that sticks out the most. Event schemas are focused on patterns of behavior that should be followed for certain events. This acts much like a script informing you of what you should do, how you should act, and what you should say in a particular situation (Cherry, 2019). I emploed accesibilty beacue I plan to open my own business as a future goal of mine, and will be in many situations where I will need to have meetings and produce a proffesional attitude.

The behavior of the woman wearing pink seemed to have created slight tension as she appeard to be the only person in disagreeance with the discussion. This appeard to had been caused by what was said by the gentleman sitting parralel of her.

Once listening to the audio my imporessions changed slightly. This video was simply a meeting about sales for the company dropping and they are all propsing different ideas on how this can be handled. The woman in pink seems to be very passionate about her viewpoint which could have made it seem like she was the aggressor.


Cherry, K. (2019, September 23). The role of a schema in psychology. Verywell Mind.

Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Sommers, S. R., Page-Gould E., & Lewis Jr., N. (2022). Social psychology (11th ed.). Pearson Education.

Reference no: EM133488454

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