Role of a police officer as a street-level bureaucrat

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Reference no: EM133231820

In California, 1- you have the right to video the police when they are performing official duties in public places; 2- such a recording is not resisting or obstructing the police; and 3- the police cannot detain or arrest you simply for taping them.1

Question 1. Discuss: the role of a police officer as a street-level bureaucrat, including 1- the principal-agent model discussed in the WJ text, and 2- the "danger" present when these "agents" (street-level bureaucrats) are under direct supervision by their "principals" (supervisors).

While not explicitly stated in the US Constitution, the right to travel freely in the United States has long been upheld by federal courts.2

Question 2. In May 2022, Washoe tribal leaders gathered in Minden, NV to protest the city's continued sounding of a siren "historically used to order people of color out of town after dark."4 City leaders say the siren honors first responders, and should no longer be considered part of a racist history. What factors should city leaders consider as they face continued protest against the siren?

Reference no: EM133231820

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