Ritual and social status from watching film salamanders

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Reference no: EM133458457

Watch the short film (12 minutes) "Salamanders" in the Viewing file.

Bizarre rituals are not the unique province of far off 'others not like us' (whoever 'we' are). Classically speaking, all rituals can be divided into three components:

1. Preparation, the getting ready;

2. Liminality, in the middle of it all, neither here nor there quite yet;

3. Incorporation, a full fledged member of the group.

What can you discern about ritual and social status from watching the film "Salamanders"? Can you think of other rituals that you have watched or participated in? Might you be engaged in one now? If so how? If not, why not?

Reference no: EM133458457

Questions Cloud

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