Ritalin-adderall uses these prescription drugs

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Reference no: EM133406418


Do you feel that a high school student who is not diagnosed with ADHD/ADD and not prescribed Ritalin/Adderall uses these prescription drugs (that he/she received from a dealer/friend/family member) to score higher in the ACT/SATs (or any tests in high school) should be penalized or disqualified? Can this argument be made similar to the argument of an athlete using steroids (which we will discuss later this semester) for a competitive edge. How can schools/staff even identify students who are unfairly scoring higher on their SAT/ACTs when they use Ritalin/Adderall and not technically prescribed these drugs. What if you found out that some of the students who have an identical GPA as you in high school, tested higher in the ACT/SATs than you because they used Ritalin/Adderall and were accepted into their top colleges (and you were not accepted?)

Reference no: EM133406418

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