Risks based on the potential impact and probability

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13254034 , Length: 1 Page

E -procurement provides both benefits as well as a list on risks associated with e-procurement in different aspects such as corruption, fraud, compromised quality, and compromised business relationships.

However, I'd like to ask you to further develop your debate on how you will rank the risks based on the potential impact and probability.

In addition, referencing to corruption and fraud, how computer-based tools may increase or prevent these issues in procurement and contract management.

REQUIREMENT: Word count: 350 Reference/Ciatation: Harvad & minimum of 4books Deadline: 12hrs from now Plagarism check

Reference no: EM13254034

Questions Cloud

Factors affect excavation operations and costs : Explain how the different physical characteristics and moisture content of soil lead to the different angles of repose, swell, and shrinkage factors. Explain how these factors affect excavation operations and costs.
In many industrial applications-liquid is heated : In many industrial applications, liquid is heated or cooled in a closed vessel and agitated to speed up the heat transfer. The agitation maintains the inside temperature to be fairly uniform, somewhat analogous to the lumped parameter solution descri..
Major types of bankruptcy : what are the differences between the 3 major types of bankruptcy, chapter 7, chapter 11 and chapter 13?
Find the force constant of this tendon : Tendons are strong elastic fibers that attach muscles to bones. To a reasonable approximation, they obey Hooke's law. Find the force constant of this tendon in N/m
Risks based on the potential impact and probability : E -procurement provides both benefits as well as a list on risks associated with e-procurement in different aspects such as corruption, fraud, compromised quality, and compromised business relationships.
Find the photon round - trip time in the resonator : Calculate the extraction efficiency (in percentage) of flat - surface LED without any encapsulation (emits directly into the air). The LED is fabricated from material with the refractive index n = 2.3.
What is the length of the blue-red-pulse in london : A 5,600 km long transatlantic (NYC-London) communications cable made of optical fibers with nf~ 1.5. A white light pulse is generated at the input end in NYC. Refractive index for red light is nred =1.51, and for blue light nblue = 1.53.
How to rotates the elements of an array stored : Write a 68000 assembly language subroutine, ROTMEM, which rotates the elements (words-size) of an array stored at location point to by (A0). The depth of the array is stored as the first element.
Anterior pituitary gland secretes-half-life in the plasma : Which hormone amongst the following has the shortest half-life in the plasma? Loss-of-function mutations of which of the following enzymes would be responsible for the presence of labia in a XY subject at birth? The anterior pituitary gland secretes:


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