Risk management and airlines

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132745355

Discussion 1 (Transportation Execution; Railroads)

What are the implications of the future of fabrication (e.g., 3-D printing) and autonomous trains (e.g., driverless locomotives) for international trade, transportation, and logistics?

Discussion 2 (Risk Management; Airlines)

What are the challenges that face air transportation carriers and shippers? In your opinion, how can these risks be mitigated?

Discussion 3 (Costs in Transportation)

We have covered numerous costs that affect the transportation industry. Pick one of them and find 3 instances where you can find evidence to support your choice.

Discussion 4 (Impacts of Pollution)

From your readings this week or outside research, pick one type of pollution impact, therefore, air, noise or ecosystem to address the issue of cost. How would one go about quantifying the impact of such a pollution method. Also, identify which transportation mode would be the most likely contributor to the pollution impact of your choice.

Reference no: EM132745355

Questions Cloud

Software products or computer-mediated communication trends : Select and summarize three specific software products or computer-mediated communication trends. Compare their advantages and disadvantages.
Narrative style about communications climate and culture : Write a 700 journal entry in narrative style about the communications climate and culture in your organization from a managerial perspective.
Health administration : Identify the process by which you can propose a policy change and how that proposal would navigate through leadership to get approved.
Revitalize management development programs : Create a report that outlines an approach to revitalize management development programs within a small engineering firm to align with the organization's culture
Risk management and airlines : What are the challenges that face air transportation carriers and shippers? In your opinion, how can these risks be mitigated?
What are the essential elements of effective teams : What are the essential elements of effective teams? What best practices from other industries could be applied in the health care industry?
Describe the tools used for collaboration and teamwork : Describe the tools used for collaboration and teamwork. Do you believe these collaboration tools are satisfactory?
Different types of technology create different competencies : In a persuasive essay, link organizational technology, value, and strategy. Explain how different types of technology create different competencies.
Examine organization differentiation and growth strategy : Describe the organizational structure and design. Examine the organization's differentiation and growth strategy.


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