Reference no: EM132139271
Topic - Point of View as a Literary Device
The short stories in the unit resource section
Prompt (what are you writing about?):
Choose any of the short stories that you read in this unit and rewrite 3 or more pages of the story from a different character's perspective.
Note: An example of this would be if you if you took part of the fairy tale, "Cinderella" and rewrote the story from the point of view of one of the stepsisters.
Amy Tan, well known for her novel, The Joy Luck Club, which depicts her life growing up as a Chinese-American, shares her experiences as a child piano prodigy (pages 471-480).
Tan, A. (2017). Two kinds. In L. Kirszner & S. Mandell (Eds.), Portable literature: Reading, reacting, writing, 9thed (pp. 471-480). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. (Original work published 1989)
Emily Dickinson is a perfect example of an author who often tried to be outside of herself when writing. In "I heard a Fly buzz--when I died--," it is obvious that the proverbial ''fly on the wall'' who is watching the subject as she passes beyond the room (page 753).
Dickinson, E. (2017). I heard a fly buzz--when i died--. In L. Kirszner & S. Mandell (Eds.), Portable literature: Reading, reacting, writing, 9thed (p. 753). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. (Original work published 1862)
A parent struggles with the illness of her child and the difficulties of maintaining personal relationships in this agonizing story by Lorrie Moore (pages 447-453).
Moore, L. (2017). Referential. In L. Kirszner & S. Mandell (Eds.), Portable literature: Reading, reacting, writing, 9thed (pp. 447-453). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. (Original work published 2012)
In Joyce Carol Oates'' "Where Are You Going,Where Have You Been?," the clarity of whether the antagonist is real, demonic, or a fabrication of a young girl''s mind, is all about perspective. Look for clues and you decide (pages 453-466)
Oates, J.C. (2017). Where are you going, where have you been?. In L. Kirszner & S. Mandell (Eds.), Portable literature: Reading, reacting, writing, 9thed (pp. 453-466). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. (Original work published 1966)
Attachment:- stories.rar
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