Rewrite the sql statement to make it correct.

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13930338

Consider the following tables:


CustomerID LastName FirstName State

1 Cohen Mike CO

2 Highley Michelle MI

3 Cohen Margot MI


OrderID CustomerID Ordered_Item Date_Ordered

1 3 DVD Movie 1/1/2009

2 1 Computer Book 3/1/2009

3 2 Music CD 2/1/2009

Write an SQL statement that will return the following result:

Name Location Item Date

Margot Cohen OH DVD Movie 1/1/2009

Michelle Cohen GA Music CD 2/1/2009

Mike Cohen CO Computer Book 3/1/2009

Using the two tables from #8, write an SQL statement that uses a SUB QUERY and the IN keyword to return the First Name of

the customers who live in the state of MI.

Tell why the following SQL statement is incorrect. Rewrite the SQL statement to make it correct. (Hint: The fields of the table

are StudentName, Assignment, Grade. A student's name can be in the table more than once since they could have several


SELECT StudentName, AVG(Grade)

FROM GradeBookTable


Attachment:- sql.doc

Reference no: EM13930338

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