Revise the given paper by using own words

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Reference no: EM131286049

Given is the paper.

Revise the given paper by using own words.

I have learned from this unit's assigned readings and discussions that were new or surprising to me are construction and their acquisition. In cognitive linguistic, we cannot separate grammar from lexis, form from function, meaning from context, nor structure. The most interested thing was form-meaning pairs is informed by the literature on the associative learning of cue-outcome contingencies where the usual determinants include.

Attached is the paper:-

Attachment:- Paper- Writing respond.rar

Reference no: EM131286049

Questions Cloud

What is the present worth of the total : What is the present worth of the total 20 payments, occurring at the end of every four months (i.e. the first payment is in four months), which are $400, $500, $600, increasing by a fixed sum. Interest is 12% nominal per year, compounded monthly.
Why do insurers use class plans : Why do insurers use class plans? What would happen if an insurer used a class plan that was less homogeneous by class than those in use in the current marketplace?
Comment on the energy efficiency impact on the environment : Using the case study 2.10 as guideline, try to quantify the environmental benefit of cogeneration of power and heat within a geo-economic region
Determine the short-run market supply curve : Assuming there are 100 firms using technology A and 400 using B, determine the short-run market supply curve
Revise the given paper by using own words : Given is the paper.- Revise the given paper by using own words.-  I have learned from this unit's assigned readings and discussions that were new or surprising to me are construction and their acquisition.
Explain the global warming effect : What are the main environmental impacts of energy generation and utilization?
Economic policies on the business opportunities : What is the impact of trump and Obama's economic policies on the business opportunities for US based global firms, such as Apple, IBM etc?
Explaqin three human and technological protective measures : Identify two to three human and technological protective measures that you would use as security safeguards and enforcement actions in order to address the ethics issue that you have chosen.
Explain the oil peak theory by hubert : Calculate how many kilograms of green wood produce the same amount of energy as 1 kg of dry wood. Calculate how many cubic meters of green wood are equivalent in energy terms to 1 cubic meter of dry wood.


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