Reference no: EM131265103
Writing Improvement Exercises: Message Openers
Task:- Revise the following e-mail and memo openers so that they are more direct.
a. A memo announcing a new procedure: It has come to our attention that increasing numbers of staff members are using instant messaging (IM) in sending business messages. We realize that IM often saves time and gets you fast responses, and we are prepared to continue to allow its use, but we have developed some specific procedures that we want you to use to make sure it is safe as well as efficient.
b. An e-mail message inquiring about software: We are interested in your voice recognition software that we understand allows you to dictate and copy text without touching a keyboard. We are interested in answers to a number of questions, such as the cost for a single-user license and perhaps the availability of a free trial version.
c. An e-mail message announcing a training program: For some time we have been investigating the possibility of conducting in house leadership training courses for interested staff members.
d. An e-mail message introducing a new manager: This is a message to bring you good news. You will be pleased to learn that our long wait is over. After going without a chief for many weeks, we are finally able to welcome our new manager, Kristi Bostock, who comes to us from our Atlanta office. Please welcome her.