Reviewing and reporting microsoft security procedures

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1315395

You are needed to review and report the Microsoft security procedures for the following given operating systems:

1) Windows XP SP3

2) Windows 7 SP1

For every operating system, review the securities procedure involving, password protection, user account setting, files and folders privacy, and the network protection (this may not be a part of the operating system).

The report must be brief and precise. It must involve the security characteristics and step-by-step setting up those attributes. Further, make sure your report can be used as a guidelines in order to demonstrate the security features.

Reference no: EM1315395

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Reviewing and reporting microsoft security procedures : For every operating system, review the securities procedure involving, password protection, user account setting, files and folders privacy, and the network protection (this may not be a part of the operating system)
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