Review workforce requirements

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Reference no: EM132704102

BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning

Task - Research workforce requirements and develop a workforce plan

JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry, with a rental division leasing forklifts and small trucks.

As an HR consultant, you have been contracted by JKL to review workforce requirements and develop a workforce plan.

To complete this task, please refer to Appendix 1 - Scenario and Appendix 2 - Policies and Procedures at the end of this assessment document.

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods, and direct observation of a Role Play in a simulated work environment.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Review current data on staff turnover and demographics
• Assess factors that may affect workforce supply
• Establish the organisation's requirements for a skilled and diverse workforce
• Review organisational strategy and establish aligned objectives for modification or retention of the workforce
• Consider strategies to address unacceptable staff turnover, if required
• Define objectives to retain required skilled labour
• Define objectives for workforce diversity and cross-cultural management
• Define strategies to source skilled labour
• Communicate objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders
• Obtain agreement and endorsement for objectives and establish targets
• Develop contingency plans to cope with extreme situations

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Research workforce requirements
o Develop workforce planning report
• Task 2.2 Develop a workforce plan
o Develop a workforce plan
• Task 2.3 Present and obtain approval for the workforce plan
o Present and discuss the workforce planning report and the workforce plan to obtain approval for the workforce plan.


1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario
o Appendix 2 - Policies and Procedures
at the end of this document
o Templates:
» 1 - Workforce Planning Report in Task 2.1
» 2 - Workforce Plan in Task 2.1

2. Review the JKL simulated business: Appendix 1 (Scenario) and Appendix 2 (Policies and Procedures); and undertake independent research to determine external factors that may affect the workforce supply.

• current data on staff turnover and demographics
• projections for future workforce needs
• external factors that may affect workforce supply
• relevant industrial relations information, such as modern awards, conditions, rights and responsibilities of workers and management
• relevant government policy.

3. Based on your findings and analysis, develop a workforce planning report (Template 1).

4. Develop a workforce plan (Template 2) to include:
• Objectives for modification or retention of the workforce
• Strategies to address unacceptable turnover
• Objective required for retaining skilled labour
• Objectives for workforce diversity and cross-cultural management
• Strategies to source skilled labour
• Communication plan
• Risk analysis and contingency plan

5. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class to present and discuss the workforce planning report and the workforce plan.
The meeting aims to obtain agreement and endorsement of the workforce plan.

The trainer and assessor will play the role of the Managing Director, and a group of classmates will play the role of the Operation manager, the HR manager and the Finance and Administration Manager.

The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the meeting.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Duration: 15 minutes.

Before the Role-Play
• Prepare the workforce planning report and the workforce plan
• Identify key talking points to justify the workforce plan
• Identify the non-negotiable
• Prepare to negotiate and respond to objections
During the Role-Play
• Explain the aim of the meeting
• Summarise the content of the workforce plan and explain why it is needed
• Outline workforce requirements
• Explain how the workforce plan will support the achievement of organisational strategic and operational goals
• Provide an overview of the plan (scope, objectives, timelines, risks, budget etc...)
• Answer questions and provide information as required
• Gather feedback and inputs from the stakeholders attending the meeting
• Discuss any change/adjustment/refinement to the workforce plan
• Use language, format and style appropriate to the audience
• Use communication techniques such as summarising, rephrasing, questioning and active listening
• Use negotiation techniques such as compromising, accepting, competing and collaborating.
After the Role-Play
• Document the changes to the workforce plan agreed on with the stakeholders during the meeting.
• Finalise the workforce plan based on the changes agreed on with the stakeholders.

Please note that the trainer and assessor will check that the agreed-on changes have been applied to the workforce plan submitted with your assessment

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Research workforce requirements

Review the JKL simulated business: Appendix 1 (Scenario) and Appendix 2 (Policies and Procedures); and undertake independent research to determine external factors that may affect the workforce supply.

• current data on staff turnover and demographics
• projections for future workforce needs
• external factors that may affect workforce supply
• relevant industrial relations information, such as modern awards, conditions, rights and responsibilities of workers and management
• relevant government policy.
Based on your findings and analysis, develop a workforce planning report (Template 1) including:
• Organisational needs, including current and the future situation concerning workforce capability
• A description of the organisation's requirements for a skilled, diverse and cross - cultured workforce
• A summary of the data you have considered and analysis of the impact on organisational objectives, including:
o internal and external labour supply predictions
o external conditions, for example, government policy
o organisational future demand and predictive techniques used.

Template 1 -Workforce Planning Report
Address the following (ALL points must be addressed)
• Provide background information about the organisation and the industry in which it operates.
• Indicate why the workforce analysis has been conducted (Example: refer to the current business situation, operational plans and/or strategy)
• Describe what documents, tools and techniques were used for the workforce analysis. (Example: the internal and external sources of information such as interview with staff, operational plans, SWOT or PESTLE analysis) etc.

Internal analysis
Summarise the following information based on your research and analysis:
• Staff turnover trends
• Staff demographics
• Current skills and knowledge of the workforce (skills and capacity audit)
• Workforce's future demands
• Any critical issue/s identified during the analysis
(100-150 words)

External analysis
Address all the points below as instructed.
PESTLE Analysis
Perform a PESTLE analysis. Include at least two points of analysis for each PESTLE category. Be specific (for example, do not just mention tax policy under economic, specify what tax policy you refer to). Focus on factors that may impact the workforce.

SWOT Analysis
Perform a SWOT analysis with a focus on factors and issues related to the workforce). The SWOT builds on the analysis undertaken for the internal and external business environment in this document. Identify at least 4 factors/section.

Workforce supply
Based on your research, list 4-5 factors that may affect the workforce supply.

Evaluate the workforce requirements of the organisation based on your analysis; include 3-5 identified workforce requirements in your evaluation summary.
Requirements must include:
• Needs for downsising and/or hire new personnel
• Skills and capabilities needs
• Changes to workforce profile such as location, labour mix, education, age, diversity mix
• Any other requirements relevant to achieve organisational strategic goals
(80-120 words)

Task 2.2 Develop a workforce plan

Develop a workforce plan (Template 2) to include:
• Objectives for modification or retention of the workforce
• Strategies to address unacceptable turnover
• Objective required for retaining skilled labour
• Objectives for workforce diversity and cross-cultural management
• Strategies to source skilled labour
• Communication plan
• Risk analysis and contingency plan

Staffing action plan
Review the staffing information FY2020-21 in Appendix 1 and develop a staffing action plan for each position.
• Review the org chart
• Review the number of staff/branch under the operational plan
• Consider the total of staffing needs/position. Example: Branch Managers in Sydney+ Melbourne +Perth +Adelaide + Canberra. This is a high-level exercise.
• In your review, consider current staff, required and exiting to calculate the staffing targets. Targets= Required - Current - Exiting.
• Consider that all staff in the rental customer service division will be made redundant and there is a preference to advertise job vacancies internally
• When planning activities to achieve the staffing targets, consider activities such as:
o Promotion
o Redeployment (move)
o New Hire
o Secondment
• For each position specify how many new hires, how many promotions etc...
• Identify key considerations. For example: positions offered internally first, training needs for secondment, vacancies caused by promotions etc..

Task 2.3 Present and obtain approval for the workforce plan

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class to present and discuss the workforce planning report and the workforce plan.
The meeting aims to obtain agreement and endorsement of the workforce plan.
The trainer and assessor will play the role of the Managing Director, and a group of classmates will play the role of the Operation manager, the HR manager and the Finance and Administration Manager.
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the meeting.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Duration: 15 minutes.
Before the Role-Play
• Prepare the workforce planning report and the workforce plan
• Identify key talking points to justify the workforce plan
• Identify the non-negotiable
• Prepare to negotiate and respond to objections
During the Role-Play
• Explain the aim of the meeting
• Summarise the content of the workforce plan and explain why it is needed
• Outline workforce requirements
• Explain how the workforce plan will support the achievement of organisational strategic and operational goals
• Provide an overview of the plan (scope, objectives, timelines, risks, budget etc...)
• Answer questions and provide information as required
• Gather feedback and inputs from the stakeholders attending the meeting
• Discuss any change/adjustment/refinement to the workforce plan
• Use language, format and style appropriate to the audience
• Use communication techniques such as summarising, rephrasing, questioning and active listening
• Use negotiation techniques such as compromising, accepting, competing and collaborating.
After the Role-Play
• Document the changes to the workforce plan agreed on with the stakeholders during the meeting.
• Finalise the workforce plan based on the changes agreed on with the stakeholders.
Use the space provided below to document the changes.

Please note that the trainer and assessor will check that the agreed-on changes have been applied to the workforce plan submitted with your assessment.

Attachment:- Manage workforce planning.rar

Verified Expert

The paper is about a workplace plan for JKL company as it transitions from the renting business to solely focus on retailing service and sales. This paper analyzes the company including its PESTEL, SWOT, and workforce supply. Besides, the paper has also analyzed the workplace plan in detail including workplace plan overview, gap analysis, and strategies to support achievement of key objectives. In general, it explains the change in workforce that the company will need to change its operations to retailing service and sales from the renting business. This paper has been prepared on Microsoft office word document.

Reference no: EM132704102

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