Reference no: EM133769472
Question: You are now acting as an official review team hired by the Conference Executive Committee to screen all application materials. Each team will be provided application materials to review which may include documentation, data dictionaries, and datasets.
Your assignment is to review these materials and identify any issues that need to be corrected. For each issue identified, your team will be given 1 point. There will be a maximum of 200 points awarded, but the base value for this assignment is 100 points. This means that there are a possible 100 points for the base assignment and 100 points which will count as extra credit. Depending upon the documents you receive, the following are examples of issues that will be awarded points:
Data: data is incorrect. Each cell in the dataset that is correctly identified as incorrect is awarded 1 point - you must also state what the correct value is and explain why your value is correct.
Data dictionary: Explanation is incorrect or does not match the dataset - provide the correct explanation
Documentation: Information is not consistent with the data - provide the correction
Examples of issues that will not receive points are:
Minor grammar corrections
Formatting issues such as 8 decimals instead of 2 decimals
There are two ways to receive credit:
(1) Find an error and provide the correct information
(2) Provide a thorough review, and if all errors are found and documented, then you will receive full credit for that section