Review the video - diversity and equity work

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Reference no: EM131544362

Discussion Assignment:

Diversity, equity and social justice - Learning from each other. When you watched the video "Diversity and Equity Work : Lesson learned "this week, you encountered three familiar faces. The early childhood professionals who you first met in the panel discussion in week 2 came together once more to share what they call "Lessons Learned" (i.e., insights gained from working for diversity, equity, and social justice).

They discussed relevant person characteristics, considered assets in their diversity work, and reflected on their professional passion.

For this final assignment: Review the video "Diversity and equity work: Lessons Learned."

Focus on the three key themes of this conservation: The "Lessons" each of the three early childhood professionals and visionaries learned from their deeply engaged scholarly and practical commitment to diversity, equity and social justice.

The personal characteristics/dispositions each believe to be exceptionally significant and support of their diversity work.

The role of pass in their work. Please consider your responses for the following questions: What are the three most significant "lessons" that I have leaned from studying issues related to diversity, equity and social justice in this course and what makes them significant?

Which of my personal characteristics/dispositions do I consider to be my most valuable asset for my work with children and families from varied backgrounds and for what reason(s)?

Thinking about the statement, made by one of the panelists, "the passion comes from the vision": What is your interpretations of this statement, and in what way(s), if any, can you relate to the connection implied between professional passion and a vision regarding diversity?

Verified Expert

This is an MS Word document which is about the various role model players in a given society up to which we are able to perceive a diversified cultural background, community atmosphere & various social justice which brings the topic of the diversification & various cultural attribution.

Reference no: EM131544362

Questions Cloud

How does your population and region impact your experience : Within this unit, you were placed within the time frame of 1750s to 1780s. Imagine that you were living during this time and you, or a family member.
Analyze the childhood developmental stages : Describe and analyze the childhood developmental stages of Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory
How will your topic add to current research : Discuss the topic you would like to do research proposal on. How will your topic add to current research
Password policy for no-internal-controls : Suggest a password policy for No-Internal-Controls. Include an example of a technical control and an administrative control.
Review the video - diversity and equity work : What is your interpretations of this statement, and in what way(s), if any, can you relate to the connection implied between professional passion and a vision regarding diversity?
Systems implementation and integration : Training materials are essential to the successful implementation of most projects. Let's discuss how you would approach the creation.
Discuss three major aspects of industrialization : After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways.
Prepare a summary that includes the negative effects : Prepare a summary that includes the negative effects on the natural world, how technology was used, and the benefit to the corporation.
Systems implementation and integration : Design documents are absolutely critical to communicate the project's design. In this chapter you learned about the user interface design



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