Reference no: EM131712689
This study aims to explore the contract procedure in civil engineering sector, with specific reference to the pre-contract documentations, standing method of measurement- particularly CESMM4 and Bills of Quantities,
On completion of this module the student should be able to:
Use of CESMM4 as an aid in preparation of pre-contract documentations and Bills of Quantities.
Over the past 30 years A & J Construction Company is a leading Omani provider of civil engineering structure offering the flexibility to undertake whole- life solution through design, procurement, construction and ongoing aftercare. Company specialized in sultanates infrastructural development work such as construction of roads, bridges, highways and highway structures.
A and J successfully executed several challenging road works projects in alignment traverses over hard terrain comprising numerous hills, intersections, wadis and steep mountains The Managing Directors of the company appoint you as Senior quantity surveyor for express way road project of 84.50 kilometers which includes culverts, 5 intersections, 4 flyovers, 1 wadi crossing bridges and 23 box culverts. The road starts from Halban intersection in Barka to Khubat Al- Qadan.
The students are required to act as the role of Senior Quantity Surveyor and have to develop a report in relation to CESMM4 as an aid in preparation of pre-contract documentation and Bills of Quantities for the express way project.
a) Proposal for case study
b) Review the role Senior Quantity Surveyor in express way project.
c) Prepare the pre contract document for the case study.
d) BOQ preparation and pricing as per CESMM4
e) Method related charges
f) Coding and numbering as per CESMM4.
g) Comparison of NRM2 and CESMM4, justify the standard for the project.
Report Format
1) The front cover of the report should have MEC logo and no page number should appear. It must be in printed form using the following margin spacing (see sample title form)
Top: 1.0 inches
Left: 1.5 inches
Right: 1.0 inches
Bottom: 1.0 inches
2) The report must be in black font typed in the English language using 12 points font of "Times New Roman ", on an A4 size standard paper.
3) The spacing of the lines must be 1.5 inches, using „justification? alignment for the running text , „center justification? for the chapter heading, and „left justification for the section heading/sub heading if any.
4) The font used for the chapter number and title is 16 points font; for the sections is 14points font; and 12 points for sub sections with Bold.
5) The page number should be in the „footer? at the middle. The page number in the
„Table of Contents? where there is the „List of Tables?, „List of Figures? must be in Roman numerals, (e.g. i, ii, ii,...) and all other pages must be assigned a running Arabic number (1,2,3,...) starting from 1.
6) The references must use the Harvard referencing format and arranged in the order of their appearance.
7) Every figure and table must have a figure number in an Arabic numeral (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, .... and Table 1, Table 2,...). The figure title is centered at bottom of figure. The table name is centered at the top of the table. Appendices are not required in this report.
Report Sections
The Report should contain a maximum of 12 pages with the following sections:
- Cover Page
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Main body of report
- Conclusions and recommendations
- References / Bibliography
The report should start from the „cover page? to the „references? with the following sections:
1. Cover Page
2. Table of contents:
- „Table of Contents? must be in bold upper case size 14 points font in the middle of page (centered)
- „List of Figures?, „List of Tables? must be in the upper case without bold and use Roman numerals to number the pages.
- All chapter topics should be written in upper case without bold.
- Subtopics written in each chapter should be numbered using Arabic numerals and indented one tab.
3. Introduction (Minimum one page)
This section is the background of the report content. It summarizes the overview of the topic and how the report is organized.
4. Main body of report (Minimum six pages)
- Describe the context of the case and present the breakdown summary of the data gathered for the Present findings in an organized manner supported by literature.
- Explain the techniques engaged.
The following are the details in writing of the body of the report:
- The headings are informative and descriptive.
- Discuss the conceptual framework of the case study
- Expound or elaborate the concept by presenting sub -topics relevant to the main topic.
5. Conclusions and recommendations (Minimum one page)
Every report should include a concluding statement regarding the subject matter of the study. State how this topic information has developed your knowledge. It can state also how this experience has enhanced your writing skills during the research process.
6. References (Minimum 8 references)
Write the list of all the sources of information you have consulted incorporated in the report following the right format of listing them using the Harvard style referencing format of listing. All references listed can come from websites, journals, reference books magazines and etc.