Review the rhetorical analysis page

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Reference no: EM133395812

In light of our upcoming third, and final, essay in the class, we are going to do another Argument Analysis. You may recall that we did an Argument Analysis in this Module's Discussion, as well. I am hopeful that by the time you finish this journal, you are very comfortable with the act of Analysis.

Remember that a key point of Analysis is that you base your decision regarding the Argument's merit on its features, not whether or not you agree with the essay's subject matter or the author's point of view. Your concern is looking at the requisite components of Argument and ensuring that they are present and used well.

NOTE: If the article asks you to pay to view it, skip the article and select one from our list of responses this semester. You will find the list of responses at the end of the syllabus.

After you finish the essay, review the Rhetorical Analysis Page, and then indicate whether the following features are effective/ineffective and why.

Title} Effective? Ineffective? Why?
Thesis} Write the thesis. Effective? Ineffective? Why?
Evidence} Types? Effective? Ineffective? Why? Would you have used a different form?
Opposition} Is is acknowledged? Is it refuted? Is it conceded? Is it effective? Is it ineffective? Why?

Reference no: EM133395812

Questions Cloud

Undertake a research project about an issue : Undertake a research project about an issue or question that most intrigues you about the events, cultures, people, arts, trade, cross-cultural contact
How risk management affects high-performance levels in high : How risk management affects high-performance levels in high reliable organizations (HRO)? Support answer with one reliable reference source
Explain why it is reasonable to anticipate : Explain why it is reasonable to anticipate that various service activities will be located in particular geographic contexts around the world
Which follower style according to situational leadership : Which follower style (Development Level) according to Situational Leadership, do you believe best describes this group?
Review the rhetorical analysis page : After you finish the essay, review the Rhetorical Analysis Page, and then indicate whether the following features are effective/ineffective and why
Identify the industry you are going to look at : Identify the industry you are going to look at. Background - Provide some background into why there is a need to improve efficiency of processes in the industry
Explain the importance of health literacy : explain the importance of health literacy and possible problems associated with a lack of health literacy
How will the supply chain of the future be able to deliver : How will the supply chain of the future be able to deliver exactly what the customer wants, to a location they choose and at a time that meets their needs
Evaluating the employee current salary : Evaluating the employee's current salary. Determining the education and experience required for the position.


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