Review the project stakeholder management processes

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM131108925

Discussion Question

"Managing Stakeholders" Please respond to the following:

• From the first and second e-Activities, assume that you are the manager of the project that will set up a new headquarters office for the Federal Bureau of Investigations in the Washington, DC area. This new building will allow FBI to consolidate all of it offices in DC into a single area. While no site has been selected, once a site is selected, there will be a lot of pressure to complete the project ahead of schedule and under budget, which is uncommon here. Determine the main stakeholders, and specify the overall way in which you would manage the stakeholders in order to complete your project. Support your rationale. BTW: Here is a link to the FBI office move:

• Review the project stakeholder management processes that were discussed in Chapter 13 of your PMBOK textbook. Determine the fundamental skills that a project manager should possess in order to successfully manage stakeholders. Support your response with one (1) example of a project manager using such skills to manage stakeholders.

• Locate an article from Strayer's electronic library or via the Internet that supports your stance.

Reference no: EM131108925

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