Review the processes of invention and innovation

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131444471

Review the processes of invention and innovation. Then, select a new product that you have been introduced to in the past 12 months. You are encouraged to research this new product using outside sources. You can use the same company you have been researching, or pick a new one.

You are to create a PowerPoint presentation about future inventions this new product could help to inspire and what innovations could be developed to enhance and improve this product. Analyze how these two areas could impact the company. Perform an analysis or SWOT on potential impact of inventions or innovations. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following elements:

Slide 1: Title page

Slide 2: Objective or table of contents

Slide 3: Description of the new product

Slide 4: Description of the importance of R&D to include lead users and market research

Slide 5: Discussion of appropriate structure and culture necessary to support innovative ideas and products

Slide 6: Exploration of future inventions inspired by the product

Slide 7: Analysis of future innovations of this product (Was this a successful invention leading to innovation?) 7

Slide 8: ROI, shareholder value, economic value added analysis, or a SWOT, on innovation

Slide 9: ROI, shareholder value, economic value added analysis or a SWOT, on invention

Slide 10: Brief description of the benchmarking process as applied to this company (What problems with performance measuring can be encountered?)

Slide 11: Prediction of product demand in five years

Slide 12: Conclusion

Slide 13: List of sources using APA guidelines Please ensure that every slide has a title at the top explaining what the slide covers. Add citations in proper APA format, use applicable pictures or graphics, use a slide template, and avoid wordy slides by focusing on bullet points. Remember, this is an academic presentation.

Reference no: EM131444471

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