Review the media and clinical mental health counseling

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Reference no: EM131543196

Challenges Related to Confidentiality

Maintaining client confidentiality might be assumed in counseling; however, in actual practice, providing confidentiality may be more challenging than it initially appears. Certain restrictions apply to maintaining confidentiality in specific cases.

For example, counselors working with a group, families, or minors cannot assure their clients' absolute confidentiality. Understanding when confidentiality applies in the counseling profession is a challenging yet essential requirement for delivering ethical counseling services.

These challenges could range from the straightforward (e.g., office administration issues such as case notes and client files, sharing information with other behavioral health professionals) to the more complicated (e.g., mandated reporting, court ordered disclosure, responding to subpoenas, exceptions to confidentiality).

For this Discussion, review the media, Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Confidentiality, and consider the ethical decision-making model for addressing challenges to confidentiality. Use the Case Study Analysis Worksheet located in the Learning Resources for week two.

Review the confidentiality issues in the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook and consider how to address challenges in adhering to critical elements in counseling practice.

Post by Day 3 any insights gained about confidentiality or the challenges to confidentiality based upon the Faculty Interviews. Then, provide a brief description of two key confidentiality issues from this week's case studies in the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook.

Explain why you consider these issues to be critical elements in a counseling practice.

Then, explain two challenges you might face as you adhere to these elements in day-to-day practice and explain how you might address them.

Be sure to use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response.

Respond by Day 5 and provide a different perspective on how you might address challenges to critical elements in day-to-day practice that your colleague discussed.


Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2015). ACA ethical standards casebook (7th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Chapter 1, "Client Rights and Informed Consent" (pp. 143-153)

Chapter 3, "Confidentiality" (pp. 169-182)

Remley, T. P., Jr., & Herlihy, B. (2016). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Chapter 5, "Confidentiality and Privileged Communication" (pp. 106-129)

McHale, J. V. (2009). Patient confidentiality and mental health: Part 1. British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 18(15), 944-945.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

McHale, J. V. (2009). Patient confidentiality and mental health. Part 2: Dilemmas of disclosure. British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 18(16), 996-997.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Simone, S., & Fulero, S. M. (2005). Tarasoff and the duty to protect. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 11(1/2), 145-168.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Case Studies

Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2015). ACA ethical standards casebook (7th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

"Case Study 1: Keep Kendra's Secret, or Not?" (pp. 147)

"Case Study 5: The Slap - How to Best Help Hope" (pp. 169)

"Case Study 6: A Supervisee Feels Betrayed" (pp. 179)

Reference no: EM131543196

Questions Cloud

What is the total price : What is the Total Price? This is what you would charge the customer so that you can have your profit markup of 20% over all of your costs.
What does it mean to be normal or abnormal : What does it mean to be "normal" or "abnormal," and to what extent does your place in a given culture at a moment in history influence this?
Explain stepwise approach to asthma treatment-management : Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these disorders.
Analysis of relevant literature pertaining : Create a brief literature review that presents a fair and comprehensive analysis of relevant literature pertaining to the topic you chose in Week One.
Review the media and clinical mental health counseling : Review the media,Clinical Mental Health Counseling:Confidentiality, & consider the ethical decision-making model for addressing challenges to confidentiality.
Explain how the drug specifically interacts with the brain : Explain how the drug specifically interacts with the brain to reward it (to use again). Make predictions about how the brain might react to steady use of drug
Find the number of ways to form : A parent-teacher committee of a school is formed with 8 members chosen from 5 teachers, 6 parents and the principal.
How did the change affect your job and responsibilities : As a nurse leader, you need to have the skills and knowledge to collaborate and communicate with those who plan for and manage change.
Physical characteristics of genetically identical twins : The physical characteristics of genetically identical twins become increasingly different as they age, even at the molecular level


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