Review the major provisions of the sarbanes-oxley act

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131666524

Discussion - Review the major provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Then review the benefits of the act.

Pick one aspect of the act and elaborate on its long term ramifications for investors and/ or executives.

Read and respond to the postings of at least two of your fellow students.

Your primary posting that begins your new thread should be at least 250 words in length.

Additionally, a dialogue can not occur if someone just makes a half hearted attempt by submitting all posts on a single day.

Reference no: EM131666524

Questions Cloud

Find mean median mode range variance and standard deviation : Find mean, median, mode, range, variance and standard deviation separately for every type of business. ow well the model fits the data?
Earth key movements : The revolution of Earth on its orbit around the Sun, shown in Figure 1, takes about 365.25 days, measured as the time taken by the Sun
Discuss bibliography to avoid academic dishonesty : do research for you essay, be sure to cite your sources you have consulted in a bibliography to avoid academic dishonesty
Population growth of urban units : 1) Describe the multiplier effect as it relates to the population growth of urban units.
Review the major provisions of the sarbanes-oxley act : Review the major provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Then review the benefits of the act.
Why are most rivers in africa not navigable : Why are most rivers in Africa not navigable despite of the fact that Africa has many rivers which are also large and deep?
Provide the business profile and governmental action : Provide the business profile and governmental action, based on the attached paper written for Milestone One, then add organization and teams.
Discuss the major principles of reward allocation : Discuss the major principles of reward allocation. Which one(s) is (are) preferred by the collectivist culture? Individualistic culture? Why?
Explore the stated limitations to the current generation : Post an analysis of the article in 2,000 words or less. Were you aware that acoustic eavesdropping was possible in the first place?


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