Review the information currently housed in huffman trucking

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949031

Resources: Huffman Trucking Virtual Organization (attached)

Review the information currently housed in Huffman Trucking's database, in the Entities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance file on the virtual Organizations site.

Create a Microsoft® Visio® Logical ERD, based on the Entities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance document, and any additional information needed to normalize the database.

Ensure that your entities are properly normalized. Properly annotate the entities, primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships in your ERD. All relationships should be one-to-many. Use the crow's feet notation for your ERD. Every entity should be related to at least one other entity.

Create table design metadata specifications in a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet based on your ERD. Indicate primary keys, foreign keys, and new attributes as in the entity relationship diagram.

For each table in your metadata, indicate the table's name, the columns in the table, the data types for the columns, the sizes of the columns, the primary keys, the foreign keys, the required/NOT NULL columns, the default values, and the range of legal values for the columns.

Attachment:- Database Question and

Reference no: EM13949031

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