Review the hhs information security program

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131218133

Project: Effect of Legislation on Organizations

The purpose of this is assignment is to 1) conduct research related to the impact of legislation on the HHS security program and 2) write a research paper.

Learning Objective - At the completion of this project students should 1) be familiar with current cyber legislation (passed and proposed), 2) be able to discuss their organization's information security program, and 3) be able to discuss the impacts of cyber legislation on the information security program.

Media - Students will use the Internet and Microsoft Word. The HHS relevant web sources are available in Webliography/Internet. Students will also use information contained in the May 2011 Cyber Security Legislative Proposal and the proposed Cyber Security Act of 2012.

Deliverable - Your research paper should be at least three full pages, single spaced, 1-inch margins, New Times Roman 12-Pitch font, include a cover page (names, course number, date, title of paper) and a reference page. The cover page and reference page are not included in the three-page minimum. Papers not meeting the three full-page minimum will lose points. You must have at least three scholarly sources, correctly formatted per APA guidelines. Submit your research paper to the appropriate TurnItIn assignment area by the due date.

Detailed Description of Learning Activity -

1. Review the May 2011 Cyber Security Legislative Proposal and the proposed Cyber Security Act of 2012.

2. Review the HHS information security program.

3. Select three to five points of analysis from the proposal (#1 above). Your points of analysis must be specific items from the legislative proposal or the legislation, which if became law, would impose cyber security requirements on HHS.

4. Research the impacts of your selections from #3 above the HHS information security program.

5. Write your research paper. At a minimum, the paper should include: a. An introduction that includes the purpose of your paper and describing HHS mission, b. The Points of Analysis section that describes your points and why you picked them, c. The Analysis section relating your Points of Analysis with your research and the HHS information security program, and d. A conclusion that summarizes what you wrote.

6. Use Spell and Grammar Checker before submitting. It is also a good idea to have someone else read your paper. You should also review the below grading rubric to ensure you have all the graded components.

7. Submit the project to the appropriate TurnItIn assignment area by the due date.Only one team member is required to submit the paper on behalf of the team.

8. USING THE ATTACHED TEMPLATE IS MANDATORY. You will earn zero points if you do not use the template.

Reference no: EM131218133

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