Review the expected results against the user requirements

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Reference no: EM132330055

Perform Systems Test - Case Study Assignment

Assessment Task 1 -

Assessment Instructions - Key Requirements

Refer to the XYZ Case study. Perform the following:

1. Notify all individuals involved of the operations of scheduled test.

2. Brainstorm and review the expected results against the user requirements document.

3. Ensure that the document templates and test procedures comply with organization and industry standards.

4. Summarise and determine which results are urgent and not urgent.

5. Schedule feedback meeting to discuss report and possible next actions with stakeholders if necessary

6. Ensure that test reporting complies with documentation and reporting standard.

Assessment Task 2 -

Key Requirements - PART 2: Conduct System Test

Using the XYZ Java Project, test plan templates and case study provided, perform the following test documents to ensure that the following programs in XYZ interact correctly:

1. General Test Plan

2. Unit Test Plan for

3. Unit Test Plan for

4. Unit Test Plan for

5. Unit Test Plan for

6. Unit Test Plan for the new Items table in XYZ Database

7. Component Test Plan for xyz_old project

8. Component Test Plan for xyz project

9. System Test Plan.

Attachment:- Perform Systems Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

In this assignment we have tested many test templates and test plan is made and results are obtained accordingly.We have taken the test cases and present then in a test template plan after testing.This helps in more understanding of regression.

Reference no: EM132330055

Questions Cloud

What are potential solutions that can alleviate problem : Do you know anyone who is currently be affected by this downturn in the oil market? What are some of the potential solutions that can alleviate this problem.
Describe the four types of market : Describe the four types of market (perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly) and provide at least one example for each type
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What principe of performance you would be required to adhere : You have been hired by a Regional CPA firm to perform audits on their largest clients. Explain what Principe of Performance you would be required.
Review the expected results against the user requirements : Strathfield College - ICTSAS503 Perform Systems Test - Case Study Assignment. Review the expected results against the user requirements document
How much is the gross profit margin : Merchandise is sold on account on January 16, terms 2/10, n/30, and recorded by debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Sales for $2,000.
Estimate the population mean price of your fuel : MAT10251 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PROJECT - Estimate the population mean price of your fuel, Unleaded 91 or Diesel, on the day and in the state specified.
Discuss two contrasting leadership styles : Topic - Mcdonalds New Zealand - Describe your individual cultural context. Discuss two contrasting leadership styles you might use if you were a leader
Find the amount of total assets at the end of the year : Following is an extract of account balances of Aztec Moving Services as of December 31, after the first year of operation.



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