Review the effectiveness of the strategic plan

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133776526 , Length: word count:4500

Strategic Management

Level 7

Task 1 - Business Presentation

You are required to prepare a presentation with speaker notes critically evaluating the strategic plans of an organisation of your choice and propose strategic options.
You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.

Your presentation is to be made to the board of directors and you should:
Critically evaluate the position of an organisation in its current market.
Critically analyse the effects of existing plans on an organisation.
Critically explore the relationship between, corporate, business and operational strategies.

Apply strategic models and tools to develop strategic options for an organisation.
Evaluate strategic options for an organisation.
Present a SWOT table (or equivalent) and critically evaluate the organisations current strategic position.

Task 2 - Report

Following your presentation, you should now prepare a new strategic plan in a report format:

Your report should:
Critically evaluate the relationship between the organisation's, corporate, business and operational strategies.
Apply strategic models and tools to recommend strategic options for the organisation.
Evaluate critical success factors/assumptions that underpin the strategic options you have developed.
Recommend and justify a strategic option and accompanying business objectives.
Identify change factors by completing a force field analysis for your selected organisation.
Identify the change agents and propose a suitable structure for the implementation of the plan.
Develop a monitoring and control system for the implementation of strategic plans.
Design key success indicators in order to monitor the implementation of the strategic plan.
Distinguish potential risks during implementation.
Review the effectiveness of the strategic plan.

1x Report with your force field analysis, structure, implementation plan, success indicators and potential (2000 words)

Task 3 - Reflective Essay

Write a reflective essay to critically evaluate the usefulness of change management models and recommend one specific model to support the strategic option identified in Task 2.

You should also explain how you could be a change agent and identify the leadership and change agent skills you would need to display in order to make changes successful.
You should refer to the Indicative Content in the specification to help form your answer.

Reference no: EM133776526

Questions Cloud

Your model in regard to your particular change : Consider an organizational change you may have experienced in your work, church, discuss the associated steps of your model in regard to your particular change
Managing employees in global society : Competency Formulate strategies for conducting business and managing employees in a global society.
Important facilities in transportation network : The following three points are the locations of important facilities in a transportation network
Develop a ppt on a cardiovascular-pulmonary disorder : Develop a PowerPoint presentation on a cardiovascular/pulmonary disorder/disease discussed in the McCance text.
Review the effectiveness of the strategic plan : Apply strategic models and tools to recommend strategic options for the organisation. Evaluate critical success factors/assumptions that underpin the strategic
Describe key components of effective reading assessments : List and describe key components of effective reading assessments. In other words, what makes a reading assessment effective? Provide examples.
Write a sentence about each section of the methods : The article should be an empirical one. What type of study is it? Qualitative or quantitative? Write a sentence about each section of the methods.
Calculate the Euclidean distances : Calculate the Euclidean distances (in miles) between each of the three pairs of facilities.
How the article made you feel think about : How the article (your research) made you feel/ think about/ what your experience with the topic, and why are these your thoughts, why you chose the topic?


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