Review the effectiveness of presentation

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Reference no: EM133212607

PART A - Prepare a presentation 

  1. Choose 2 topics relevant to your area of training or study relating to e.g. Workplace Health and Safety, Staff Training, New Technology, Product and Service Knowledge or similar. Prepare 2 presentations - 1 for each topic.
  2. 1 presentation must use Microsoft PowerPoint or similar with a minimum of 10 slides.
  3. Presentation 1 shall have a maximum of 5 minutes duration.
  4. Presentation 2 shall have a maximum of 10 minutes duration.
  5. Provide an overview of your target audience(s).
  6. List the presentation aids you will use for each presentation.
  7. Provide a description of room set-up for each presentation (configuration/room type, etc.)
  8. Who needs to be briefed (people who may assist you, co-presenter, etc.)
  9. Provide an overview of any adjustments you may need to make for people with a disability or to overcome cultural barriers or specific needs. Note: If your presentation does not require any adjustments, then explain why it does not need any adjustments and also provide an example of a presentation issue that would require an adjustment.
  10. Research your chosen topics and include legal considerations which must be considered for each of your presentations.
  11. Attach the support material you require for each presentation including a list where you have sourced this information.
  12. Produce a draft including a time schedule for each presentation - this may include cues and other notes from your PowerPoint presentation (what will happen, when and how - what techniques will be used)

Develop a questionnaire which you will hand out to your audience to evaluate your presentation including:

  1. Topic and information
  2. Presentation style
  3. Delivery Methods and Techniques
  4. Aids and materials used
  5. Your personal attributes as a presenter
  6. Suggestions for improvement etc.

PART B - Deliver a presentation 

Based on the preparation and planning document from PART A you now need to deliver your presentations as instructed by your trainer. 

The key criteria that you must consider when delivering your presentation include:

  • Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience
  • Use presentation aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
  • Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes
  • Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest
  • Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences
  • Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding

Your assessor will be observing you for the required skills

  • Culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
  • Facilitation and presentation skills to communicate central ideas of a message in an informative and engaging manner, and to utilise verbal and non-verbal techniques to sustain participant engagement
  • Literacy skills to prepare presentation information and to do in a range of styles for different target audiences.

PART C - Review the presentation - Summary

Based on the preparation and planning document from PART A and the delivering of your presentation in PART B you now need to conduct a feedback and evaluation process. 

For this you need to inform your audience that you will be asking a few questions verbally to find out their reactions to and opinions of the presentation. You could use a co-presenter or other assistant to record the feedback.

Use the list of questions that you had prepared in PART A to elicit feedback from your audience, making note of their responses. 

Use the feedback form or evaluation questionnaire that you developed in PART A and hand this out to all the participants in your audience including your assessor. 

Allow your audience(s) 5 mins to complete the feedback form(s).

Collect all the feedback forms from your audience and analyse and evaluate these.

Write a short summary on your analysis outlining the following aspects: 

  1. Explain why you have conducted this feedback/evaluation and how it will benefit you to improve your presentation
  2. Explain how and why have you developed this feedback/evaluation form or questionnaire
  3. Do you think this evaluation/feedback form or questionnaire is the most appropriate technique to review the effectiveness of your presentation?
  4. Has this evaluation/feedback form or questionnaire assisted you in collecting the desired feedback from your audience?
  5. Explain what the best features of your presentation were
  6. Explain what the areas of improvements suggested by participants were
  7. Explain how you will utilise this feedback from the audience and your assessor and take it into consideration to improve your presentations in the future

Reference no: EM133212607

Questions Cloud

What are three indicators that barry is intoxicated : You are a waiter in an upmarket restaurant. A couple have been dining in the restaurant at lunch and have had quite a few drinks with their meal.
Compare process of obtaining medicare certification : Compare and contrast the process of obtaining a Medicare certification/license versus a private facility license. Make sure include the requirements for MN stat
What would be the ideal course of patient education : Taking into consideration that she is a Roman Catholic nun, what would be the ideal course of patient education as this woman progresses
Evaluate health resources and services administration : Analyze the potential organizational risks resulting from one of the identified gaps
Review the effectiveness of presentation : Based on the preparation and planning document from PART A and the delivering of your presentation in PART B you now need to conduct a feedback and evaluation p
What possible reservations a health care professional have : What possible reservations could a health care professional have in working with Sister Mary? (Discuss the psychosocial responses the professional might have.)
Occupational safety and health administration : You have a serious accident in your warehouse. Both the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Describe the department of homeland security : Describe the Department of Homeland Security and examine the arguments for its existence, taking into account all the concepts and information
Review crime control strategies of the police : Ash_CRJ 400 Week 8 Assignment - Analyze the history and effectiveness of each of these topics: sentencing guidelines, the 1994 crime bill, three strikes


Write a Review

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