Review the different types of auditors

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM133117080

Question: In addition to Independent auditors that audit financial statements, there are several other types of auditors. Independent auditors generally perform financial statement audits; internal auditors perform operational audits; and governmental auditors (e.g. IRS auditors) generally perform compliance audits.


As you review the different types of auditors that exist, think about their similarities and differences. Many think of auditors as simply "IRS auditors" but it's important to see how broad the spectrum really is.

1. Most large corporatons trimly have a large group of ________.

2. Headed by the Auditor General the work of _____ includes compliance, operational, and financial audits,

3. _____ perform compliance audits of home tax returns of individuals and caporabsns to determine that inoxne has been computed and taxes paid as required.

4. _____ are the only auditors that work for the company that they are auditing. ____ are required to be public accountanst.

Reference no: EM133117080

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