Review the different levels of achievement

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Reference no: EM131815798

Writing Self-Analysis

If you have not already done so, complete your readings under Academic Guides in the studies for this unit.

For this assignment, complete a self-evaluation of your professional writing skills, including the following:

Review the content, structure, and organization of the initial post you submitted in your first discussion (from the previous unit), and the responses you received from your fellow learners.

Evaluate your post, using the Writing Self-Evaluation Rubric, linked in the Resources.

In the rubric, review the different levels of achievement that are possible for each criterion. Place an "X" in the level of achievement you believe your discussion post has attained.

The very last column on the right provides space for you to leave notes about the criterion. Indicate the reason for your assessment of each criterion in the last column.

Once you have completed the rubric, be sure to save a copy of it to your computer for later comparison.

Submit the rubric along with a copy of the discussion post you assessed as Word document attachments in the assignment area.

Previous Unit Post

Continuity and discontinuity

Continuity and discontinuity development theme mainly revolves around the concept of the changes that humans undergo during development. Proponents of continuity view development as a continuous process which takes place gradually and cumulatively. For instance, a child's development process consists of crawling, standing and eventually walking.

This is an example of how development takes place in a continuity manner. That is, a child will gradually learn to walk, but this will take place in some steps. On the other hand, the discontinuity view of development holds the view that people undergo different stages that are qualitatively different.

An instance, in this case, is the example where a child at the beginning can think in literal terms and later can think abstractly. The move to abstract thinking is seen as different and independent as the child is in another stage of their life (Koren, 2011).

A similarity between these two approaches is that they both agree that there are different stages of development. However, a difference comes from the concept that continuity approach believes these stages of development are continuous while discontinuity approaches hold the view that these stages of development are unrelated. One development theories that fall under this influential theme is the psychoanalytical theories.

These theories greatly influenced the work of Sigmund Freud who emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind and its influence in childhood experiences. Freud contributed to development theory through his proposal that development takes place through a series of psychosexual stages (Koren, 2011).

The scholarly article that I used in recent. Hence it's credibility in using recent and up to date information. Additionally, the author of the article is a researcher and lecturer hence the expertise in professionally writing the article. At the same time, the conclusions made by the author are backed by evidence from primary sources hence improving its credibility.


Koren, C. (2011). Continuity and discontinuity: The case of second couplehood in old age. The Gerontologist, 51(5), 687-698.

Reference no: EM131815798

Questions Cloud

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Do you think marijuana should be legalized : Which classification of drugs is the most dangerous in your opinion? What are the public implications of your view?
Why is trend analysis useful in analyzing ratios : Why is trend analysis useful in analyzing ratios? How is it used?
Ethical issues relating to international investments : There are multifaceted ethical issues relating to international investments. One aspect relates to human rights. Most Latin American governments
Review the different levels of achievement : Review the different levels of achievement that are possible for each criterion. Place an "X" in the level of achievement you believe your discussion post.
Compute the number of pints of strawberries produced : Sales-Mix Analysis Study Appendix 2A . Eames Farms produces strawberries and raspberries. Annual fixed costs are $15,300.
Implement a process improvement plan : Give an example of a U.S. company that you can use to implement a process improvement plan?
Explain why one portfolio made up of the same companies : Explain why one portfolio made up of the same companies and why can another portfolio can be undesirable in comparison
Types of alternative dispute resolutions : What's the various types of alternative dispute resolutions and how they differ, and what is the potential benefits to a business of alternative dispute.


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