Review the description - flowchart and record layout

Assignment Help COBOL Programming
Reference no: EM13807220

Practice Program:

Review the description, flowchart, record layout, pseudocode, and hierarchy chart for the practice program. Review these items to gain a better understanding of the program's logic. After reviewing these items, code the program as illustrated by Figure. That is, type the program exactly as written in the textbook but with the following modifications:

1. Add a comment describing the purpose of the program.

2. The PROGRAM-ID section of the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION must be written as LastnameFirstinitialA3 (e.g., BasilioEA3).

3. Modify the SELECT PURCHASE-TRANS section of the program to exclude the entire path. That is, instead of writing ‘C:\CHAPTER6\CH6PPB.DAT' write ‘CH6PPB.DAT' for this section. In order to test the program, the student must ensure that the file CH6PPB.DAT is downloaded to the New_Configuration.bin subfolder of the COBOL project created to complete this assignment (see steps 43 and 44 of the Week 2 Tutorial).

4. Modify the SELECT PURCHASE-REPORT section of the program to exclude the entire path and to name the file as LastnameFirstinitialA3.rpt. That is, instead of writing ‘C:\CHAPTER6\CH6PPB.RPT' write ‘LastnameFirstinitialA3.rpt' (e.g., BasilioEA3.rpt) for this section.

5. Modify the program to print the total amount of all purchases for all customers at the end of the report. That is, the sum total of all purchases.

The rest of the program should be written exactly as illustrated in the textbook. Compile and execute the program. If errors are reported, resolved them based on the messages reported by the compiler and by comparing the code to the textbook.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM13807220

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Compile and execute the program. If errors are reported, resolved them based on the messages reported by the compiler and by comparing the code.

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