Review the data file of the patient satisfaction results

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132314498

Assignment -

Your healthcare facility has incorporated a new survey. The intent of the survey is to measure patient satisfaction. The healthcare facility has a goal of 80% patient satisfaction based on the highest measure for each question.

Your task is to review the data file of the patient satisfaction results and then create a 1 page report card that summarizes the results for Senior Management. Be sure to identify which outcomes did not meet the 80% goal. You may find it helpful to perform an Internet search for examples using the phrase, "healthcare report cards". The results can be in the form a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel document.

Note - The Excel document is the data information that go along with the Word document.

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In this assignment, the overall healthcare facility satisfaction among patients are assessed by a survey.Simple descriptive statistics such as mean, proportion and frequency values were seen.Information that meet the goal or not represented by histogram. All analysis was performed by Excel.

Reference no: EM132314498

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5/31/2019 12:21:11 AM

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