Review the complete program with key stakeholders

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132661718

Assessment - Design Cluster

Knowledge Assessment

From the list below, select four (4) statements that are true about Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) guidelines.

The AQF provides the standards for Australian qualifications, comprising of the learning outcomes for each AQF level.
The AQF has seven (7) AQF qualification levels.
The AQF lists the requirements for issuance of AQF qualifications.
The AQF Qualification Types enclosed in the AQF are further defined by the learning outcomes, knowledge, and skills students are expected to have upon completing their coursework.
The volume of learning is 3 - 4 years across all AQF levels.
The AQF Levels describe the complexity, depth of achievement and autonomy required to achieve a qualification at each level.

Below are four (4) AQF qualification types:
a. Certificate III
b. Diploma
c. Bachelor Degree
d. Master's Degree
Match them to their correct descriptions listed in the table below.

Match the following AQF levels to their correct characteristics/overview.

Level 1
Level 3
Level 4
Level 7

Complete the table below.
List at least one (1) role, function, and responsibility for each key VET organisation listed below.

Council of Australian Governments (COAG)
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC)
Skills Services Organisations (SSOs)
Industry Reference Committees (IRCs)

From the statements below, select three (3) statements that accurately describe the responsibilities of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA).

Investigating complaints against VRQA registered providers.
Accrediting vocational education and training (VET) courses.
Regulating apprenticeships and traineeships in their state.
Auditing of RTOs to ensure they comply with the conditions and standards for registration.
Registering training organisations.

Match the following dimensions of competency to their correct definitions:

Task Skills
Task Management Skills
Contingency Management Skills
Job/Role Environment skills

Below is an excerpt from the Accredited Course Template from ASQA.

Complete the information required. The first item has been done for you.

From the statements below, select four (4) statements that correctly describe the format and structure of the unit of competency and assessment requirements.

The assessment requirement is composed of a code, title, prerequisite, and elements.
Following the correct format of assessment requirements, the Performance Evidence comes before the Knowledge Evidence.
Each unit of competency must be uniquely identified by the combination of its code and title.
TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs is an example of a unit of competency.
The unit of competency contains the qualification code, qualification title, and qualification description.
Following the correct format of units of competency, the Foundation Skills can be found underneath the Elements and Performance Criteria.

Match the following sections to their correct descriptions, then tick the boxes on the right to identify whether the information provided are found in the unit of competency in the assessment requirements.

Performance Criteria
Foundation Skills
Assessment Conditions
Knowledge Evidence

Consider the assessment requirements for the unit of competency: SITHFAB004 - Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages.

Determine if the statements below are knowledge evidence, performance evidence, or assessment conditions.

Write KE if it is a Knowledge Evidence
PE if it is a Performance Evidence, and
AC if it is an Assessment Condition.

Below are terms used in Accredited Courses:
Qualification level
Recognition given to the course
Assessor competencies
Pathways and articulation
Purpose of the Course

From the list below, select three (3) performance standards and criteria, other than training packages, which can also be used as the basis of learning programs.

From the statements below, select three (3) statements that accurately describe the functions of training packages and accredited courses as benchmarks in a competency-based VET training and assessment system.

From the list below, select four (4) processes that are followed in analysing and using competency standards for a range of applications and purposes in meeting the needs of a diverse range of VET clients.

The following are terminologies used in training packages and accredited courses. Match each terminology to their correct definitions.

Accredited course
Accredited unit
Competency standards
Foundation skills
Assessment strategy

Which of the parts of the training package below can be contextualised to suit the needs of clients? Write Y if the given item can be contextualised, and write N if it cannot be contextualised.

Match the following endorsed components of training packages to their corresponding roles.

Units of competency
Assessment requirements
Credit arrangements

Match the following endorsed components of training packages to their corresponding purpose.

Units of competency
Assessment requirements
Credit arrangement

From the statements below, select three (3) statements that are true about the Standards for Training Packages.

From the list below, select three (3) relevant sources of information about training packages.

From the list below, select the three (3) non-endorsed components of training packages.

The following are statements about the differences and relationships between separate training package and accredited courses, and learning strategies and learning programs.

Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

The following are statements about the differences and relationships between learning strategies and learning programs.

Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

From the list below, select three (3) statements that are accurate about the purpose of learning programs.

From the list below, select three (3) statements which are correct about principles of instructional design, according to M. David Merrill.

From the list below, select the instructional design principle that can be best applied to an e-learning type of program.

From the list below, select the two (2) instructional design principles that are best applied to a face-to-face type of learning program.

Identify two (2) possible sources of learning and assessment materials.

Identify two (2) examples and two (2) sources of pre-developed activities which you can use in designing and developing learning programs.

Outline the methodology followed in developing the following:

New learning activities
Related learning materials

Outline the methodology followed in documenting learning activities and related learning materials.

List three (3) modes and three (3) methods of delivering learning programs.

Listed in the table below are policies, legal requirements, codes of practice and national standards that impact training and assessment in the VET sector. Identify whether these are a policy, legal requirement, code of practice or national standard by writing:

P if it is a policy,
L if it is a legal requirement,
C if it is a code of practice, and
N if it is a national standard.

The following statements are about policies, legal requirements, commonwealth legislation, codes of practice and national standards that impact training and assessment in the VET sector.

Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

The following are statements about commonwealth and state/territory legislation.

Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

Select the three (3) options that are part of your duty of care relating to work health and safety as relevant to your role in designing learning programs.

Consider an industry and a work role you are familiar with.
Describe the WHS risks associated with working in this industry and work role.
Discuss WHS considerations that you will need to incorporate if you will be assigned to design learning program for this work role and industry.

Guidance: Sample responses have been provided for your reference.

Case Study 1 - Catering Assistant Training

Project 1 - Conduct Training Needs Analysis 1

Project Overview
Project 1 will require you to complete a Work Role LLN Evaluation and conduct a Training Needs Analysis for your client. Follow the instructions below to complete the project.
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
audio recording equipment
(phone, computer, etc.)
templates provided in this Project
a volunteer to play the role of your client

Task 1

Determine the Work Role LLN Requirements of the training.
Using the job description and Work Role LLN Evaluation Form provided in the links below, determine the Work Role LLN levels required for the catering assistant role.

Catering Assistant Job Description
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Note that you can remove the ACSF levels that are not appropriate for the training. For example, if you selected ACSF Level 2 for Reading, you can remove the fields for Reading ACSF Level 1, 3 - 5 from the template before submission. The same can be done for the other Foundation Skills.
Once complete, save the Work Role LLN Evaluation Form as:
TAE40116 - Project 1 - WorkRoleLLNForm
NOTE: the template will be in Read-only form. Save a separate copy to your computer and edit the document.
Work Role LLN Evaluation Form
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Confirm the training and assessment needs with the client
To complete this task, you will need a volunteer to play the role of your client. They must be briefed on the details of the assessment before you begin with the role-play.
During your session with the client (volunteer) you must confirm the details outlined in the TNA draft. You must:
Advise the client of the training package, qualification and/or accredited course selected to meet their training needs
Advise the candidate of the elective units, skill sets or accredited modules selected for the program, and provide your reasons for selecting them.
Your client (volunteer) must complete the TNA Participant Feedback Form. Before beginning your session with the client (volunteer) you must brief them on the details of the session. You must also provide them with the candidate instructions and Participant Feedback Form, which can be accessed through this link:

Project Brief and Participant Feedback Form
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)
You must review the Participant Feedback Form before completing the task to get an idea of what you must do during the session.
After completing the task, you must sign the ‘Document Created By' field as a trainer/assessor from MPTS, while your client (volunteer) must sign the ‘Approved By' field as a representative of Best Jobs Incorporated. Note that both signatures must be hand signed, print off the page that requires your signatures and scan them for submission.

Note, that during this activity, you will also be assessed for your oral communication skills. You must demonstrate the following during your session with the client (volunteer):
active listening,
adequate comprehension,
appropriate use of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation
using language appropriate to the audience, and
using language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and builds and maintains understanding and rapport with the client

Task 2

Draft your Training Needs Analysis
This project requires you to conduct and document a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) of the training requirements described in the case study scenario provided. Draft your TNA using the template provided below. Remember to consider MPTS's quality assurance policies and procedures when completing your TNA. These were provided for you in the Case Study.
Training Needs Analysis Template 1
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Identify and source the training package, qualification and/or accredited course that will satisfy your client's needs.

Read and interpret the qualification framework and packaging rules of the qualification.

Determine and review the following:
licensing requirements
prerequisites applicable to the training
suitable electives that meet your client's needs and job roles

Select a skill set, individual units, or accredited modules to include in the Training Needs Analysis. Read, analyse, and interpret the units or accredited modules to determine if they meet the client's needs.

Read and interpret the assessment information of the chosen training package or accredited course.

Project 2 - Design and Develop Learning Program 1

Project Overview
Project 2 requires you to develop a learning program for a group-based delivery that meets the needs of your organisation or client as described in the case study provided, based on the unit:

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

The learning program must be designed for the group of candidates identified in the case study.
There is no specified ‘length' of the learning program that you design for this project, but it must be comprehensive enough to allow your assessor to see your ability to ‘chunk' program content and sequence these ‘chunks' to ensure a safe, effective learning progression.
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
audio recording equipment
(phone, computer, etc.)
templates provided in this Project
a volunteer to play the role of your client

Task 1

Steps to take:
Use the Learning Program Plan Template provided on the following page to document your completion of the following steps:

Investigate the unit of competency and break the learning content into manageable segments, and document the timeframe for each segment. Document your completion of this by preparing the Learning Program Schedule.

Ensure that all unit requirements are addressed by the Learning Program and Learning Program Schedule by completing the Competency Mapping Template provided on the following pages.

Remember that you must document the Learning Plan in line with organisational requirements by completing the Learning Plan template on the following pages. You must also remember to follow the organisational protocols, policies and procedures, which have been provided to you in Case Study 1.

Supplementary Task 1 - Learning Program Resources
Source and review at least two (2) available learning resources from any of the following:
your workplace
from industry experts, and so on.
These learning resources must be relevant to the learning program you are developing.
Submit the two learning resources that you have reviewed and found relevant to the learning program you are developing. List the filenames of the two (2) learning resources you are submitting and where you have sourced them in the table below:

Explain how the learning resources you've selected are relevant to the learning program you are developing. Also, describe the overall quality of the resources, i.e. currency and reliability.

Customise the learning resources.
You must customise the two (2) learning resources to the LLN needs of your participants. Consider the following advice:

Advice 1
"Simplify the vocabulary used in your learning materials."

Advice 2
"Use visual guides or images for your client."
To complete this task, you must customise one (1) learning resource according to one (1) advice given above. For example, you chose to customise Learning Resource 1 according to Advice 2 and Learning Resource 2 according to Advice 1.
In the table below identify which learning resource you will be customising according to which advice.

Supplementary Task 2 - Confirm Delivery Strategies
To complete this task, you will need one (1) volunteer to play the role of your client, they must be briefed on the details of the assessment beforehand. Note that this can be the same volunteer in Project 1.
You must walk the client (volunteer) through the competency standards (or other training specifications the learning program is based on), delivery strategies, required assessment methods and tools that you identified in the Learning Program and Learning Program Schedule and Competency Map. You must also provide the client with appropriate advice regarding the assessment requirements for the competency standard.
During your session, your client (volunteer) must agree with the delivery strategies, required assessment methods and tools you discuss with them.
You will be required to submit an audio recording of your session with the client (volunteer) for assessment. Submit your audio recording as:

Supplementary Task 2: Marking Result Form
This form is for you to complete. For a satisfactory result, the candidate's audio recording of their confirmation session with the client (volunteer) meets all the criteria outlined below. A separate copy of the form must be completed. This can be accessed here.
Once completed, sign and date the declaration field at the end of the form.

Project 3 - Evaluate Learning Program

Project Overview
This project requires you to review the complete program with key stakeholders to find areas for improvement and make the adjustments as required. To ensure successful completion of this project, follow the steps below and complete the evaluation form provided on the following page.
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
audio recording equipment
(phone, computer, etc.)
a computer
templates provided in this Project
a volunteer to play the role of your client

Case Study 2 - Housekeeping Assistant Training

Case Study 2 provides you with a detailed scenario and all the information you will require to complete Project 4: Conduct a training needs analysis 2

Project 4 - Training Needs Analysis 2

Project Overview
This project requires you to conduct and record a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) on BJI's training requirements described in the case study scenario provided. To ensure successful completion of this project, follow the steps provided below.
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
audio recording equipment
(phone, computer, etc.)
templates provided in this Project
a volunteer to play the role of your client

Task 1

Determine the Work Role LLN Requirements of the training.
Using the job description and Work Role LLN Evaluation Form provided in the links below, determine the Work Role LLN levels required for the housekeeping assistant role.

Housekeeping Assistant Job Description
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Note that you can remove the ACSF levels that are not appropriate for the training. For example, if you selected ACSF Level 2 for Reading, you can remove the fields for Reading ACSF Level 1, 3 - 5 from the template before submission. The same can be done for the other Foundation Skills.
Once complete, save the Work Role LLN Evaluation Form as:
TAE40116 - Project 4 - WorkRoleLLNForm
Work Role LLN Evaluation Form
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Confirm the training and assessment needs with the client
To complete this task, you will need a volunteer to play the role of your client. They must be briefed on the details of the assessment before you begin with the role-play.
During your session with the client (volunteer) you must confirm the details outlined in the TNA draft. You must:
Advise the client of the training package, qualification and/or accredited course selected to meet their training needs
Advise the candidate of the elective units, skill sets or accredited modules selected for the program, and provide your reasons for selecting them.
Your client (volunteer) must complete the TNA Participant Feedback Form. Before beginning your session with the client (volunteer) you must brief them on the details of the session. You must also provide them with the candidate instructions and Participant Feedback Form, which can be accessed through this link:

Project Brief and Participant Feedback Form
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)
You must review the Participant Feedback Form before completing the task to get an idea of what you must do during the session.
After completing the task, you must sign the ‘Document Created By' field as a trainer/assessor from MPTS, while your client (volunteer) must sign the ‘Approved By' field as a representative of Best Jobs Incorporated. Note that both signatures must be hand signed, print off the page that requires your signatures and scan them for submission.

Note, that during this activity, you will also be assessed for your oral communication skills. You must demonstrate the following during your session with the client (volunteer):
active listening,
adequate comprehension,
appropriate use of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation
using language appropriate to the audience, and
using language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and builds and maintains understanding and rapport with the client

Task 2

Draft your Training Needs Analysis
This project requires you to conduct and document a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) of the training requirements described in the case study scenario provided. Draft your TNA using the template provided below. Remember consider MPTS's quality assurance policies and procedures when completing your TNA. These were provided for you in the Case Study.
Training Needs Analysis Template 2
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)

Identify and source the training package, qualification and/or accredited course that will satisfy your client's needs.

Read and interpret the qualification framework and packaging rules of the qualification.

Determine and review the following:
licensing requirements
prerequisites applicable to the training
suitable electives that meet your client's needs and job roles

Select a skill set, individual unit, or accredited module. Read, analyse, and interpret the unit or accredited module to determine if it meets the client's needs.

Read and interpret the assessment information of the chosen training package or accredited course.

Once complete, save your TNA Draft.

Case Study 3 - Cascade Peak Training Institute

Project 5 - Design and Develop Learning Program 2

Project Overview
Project 5 requires you to develop a learning program for a group-based delivery that meets the needs of your organisation or client as described in the case study provided, based on the unit:

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

The learning program must be designed for the group of candidates identified in the case study.
The learning program must be comprehensive enough to allow your assessor to see your ability to ‘chunk' program content and sequence these ‘chunks' to ensure a safe, effective learning progression.
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
templates provided in this Project

Task 1

Steps to take:
Use the Learning Program Plan Template provided on the following page to document your completion of the following steps:

Investigate the unit of competency and break the learning content into manageable segments, and document the timeframe for each segment. Document your completion of this by preparing the Learning Program Schedule.
Ensure that all unit requirements are addressed by the Learning Program and Learning Program Schedule by completing the Competency Mapping Template provided on the following pages.

Note that you must contextualise the unit of competency to the specifications of the training. Remember to use the information from the client and contextualisation advice from the training package developer, both are provided for you in Case Study 3.

Attachment:- DesignCluster.rar

Reference no: EM132661718

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