Review the company approach to entrepreneurship

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133389346


Company analysis of Rolex

A) Introduction to the company

B) Review of the Company's approach to entrepreneurship and business development

(i.e.who, was the founder? How did their idea fit the market? How do you think they assess opportunities? Where have they been successful (or where have they failed)?)

C) Analysis - approach to entrepreneurship, organization/business development, specifically:

o Define and explain what you perceived were the entrepreneurial attributes, behaviours, and skills in setting up the company/organization.

o Describe the role and contribution of the company and entrepreneurship to society.

o Summary of Analysis and Recommendations for Improvement.

o Consider and reflect on assessing your own entrepreneurial skills, behaviours, and attributes, and evaluate your potential for an entrepreneurial career. Could you have set up a similar company/organization? Why or why not?

o What business ideas can you generate based on your recommendations of the company and market?

D) Conclusion

You will be assessed on your ability to apply concepts and theories from the course as part of the analysis and your general approach to the company/founder's approach to entrepreneurship.

Reference no: EM133389346

Questions Cloud

Explain the sources of funding used to open new businesses : List steps that a business owner can take in order to overcome barriers to entry. Identify and explain the sources of funding used to open new businesses.
Is business concept suitable for a crowdfunding campaign : If you were to implement a crowdfunding campaign for your business, what rewards would you offer to individuals or companies that participate in the campaign?
What is a marketing plan : What is a marketing plan? Who should develop it? How does it help the new small business owner? What marketing strategy would you use for your company?
How managers maintain ideal debt equity ration in company : Discuss the values and principles that should guide a manager of a levered company. How managers maintain ideal debt equity ration in the company?
Review the company approach to entrepreneurship : Define and explain what you perceived were the entrepreneurial attributes, behaviours, and skills in setting up the company/organization.
Create a business smart goals : Think about the business you are creating from your marketing plan and create (2) SMART goals, one short-term, and long-term goal.
Analyze siemens ag and vestas in terms of their history : Analyze Siemens AG and Vestas in terms of their history, operations, market position, and strategic direction which gives an overview of the relevant industry.
What proportion does each industry contribute to gnp : With what proportion does each industry contribute to GNP, and ratio or proportion between publicly and privately owned industries.
What are structural holes : What are structural holes? According to the theory of structural holes, why do Venture Capitalists make money?


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