Review the categories of bmi

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133678050


This lab will focus on health at every size (HAES).??

There are four parts to this assignment.

Part 1: Define BMI

Be specific. Please include the mathematical formula used to calculate BMI, but be sure to also break down what the body mass index is. Review the categories of BMI. ??

Part 2: Calculate BMI

Feel free to calculate your own BMI. I will use my height of 5' 6' and my weight of 158 lbs. List the name of the individual whose BMI you are calculating, Denette Carroll. Show work. Yes, there are automated calculators on the internet, and you can use one to check your work, but please calculate the BMI using the equation above.?

?Part 3: Compare/Contrast BMI and Individual Plan

There are three sections to this part of the assignment.?

a. ?Designate where the BMI you calculated in the previous step falls according to the standard tables (underweight, normal, overweight, and obese). ?

b. Develop a dietary plan for the BMI value calculated above for two different scenarios.?

1. Intuitive Eating Approach

2. Calorie-Focused Approach

For both scenarios, you need to be specific. What kinds of foods are you (or the individual whose BMI you have calculated) taking in and why? Develop a day's worth of eating. For the Intuitive Eating Approach, explain the rationale behind food choices, using the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating to guide each meal. For the calorie-focused approach, include how many calories you plan on taking in and why, and you also need to develop a day's worth of eating with specific foods and portions.

3. Develop an exercise plan for the BMI value calculated above. The goal of this section is to develop a weekly plan that incorporates all of the components of a sound fitness program (flexibility, endurance, strength training, body fat, and cardiovascular), as well as discuss specific exercises that address each of those components. Provide 7 days of exercises and/or activities.?

Part 4: Summary?

Explain why body mass index and health at every size are in conflict with each other.??

Reference no: EM133678050

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