Review the business risk areas

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13962658 , Length:

Topic: Target Corporation

Audit Report


You will search the Internet to obtain a public company's financial statements. Review the business risk areas and specify in which cycle you would like to conduct an internal audit. You will develop a three- to four page single spaced report that discusses: the accounts to be audited; key audit procedures; the reason for auditing the accounts; the potential risk(s) associated with the accounts; to whom findings should be reported; the type of report to issue (opinion); and the form of the report.

The three- to four- page length requirement excludes the cover page and bibliography. The paper should have one inch margins and 12 pitch font size. The paper should include a cover page (setting forth the title of the paper, your name, the course number, and the date), and a bibliography. The paper should include a short introductory paragraph, a comprehensive but concise analysis of the topic, and a short conclusion paragraph. The paper should be in paragraph format, please do not list items in bullet format or otherwise create unnecessary empty space.

Any references used should be from authoritative sources, such as from business and accounting periodicals - not merely statements from an individual's Web page. Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias, and technical manuals may not be used as references.

The paper, including citations and bibliographical reference, is to be done according to the APA rules of style. Research sources as well as the APA rules of style

Verified Expert

The topic of the solution is "Financial Statements of Microsoft Corporation". It includes the Table of content, Abstract, Introduction, Devices and Consumers, Accounts Auditing and its Key Procedures including Conclusion and references. The solution is completed in 2000 words.

Reference no: EM13962658

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Auditing Questions & Answers

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  Adjusting or non- adjusting events

State whether Event is adjusting or non-adjusting event.

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  Auditing and assurance

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  National health reform

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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