Reference no: EM131311291
Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography
Prepare: To help with the preparation of your annotated bibliography, review the following tutorials and resources from the Ashford Writing Center:
• Introduction Paragraph Guide
• Thesis Statement tutorial
• Annotated Bibliography tutorial
• Sample Annotated Bibliography
• Evaluating Sources
Reflect: Reflect back on the Week Two Discussion in which you shared with the class the global societal issue that you would like to further address. Explore critical insights that were shared by your peers and/or your instructor on the topic chosen and begin your search for scholarly sources with those insights in mind.
Write: For this assignment, review the Annotated Bibliography Formatting Guidelines and address the following prompts:
• Introductory Paragraph to Topic: Refer to the Final Argumentative Essay guidelines for your topic selection. Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words, which clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, and ethical implications.
• Thesis statement: Write a direct and concise thesis statement, which will become the solution to the problem that you will argue or prove in the Week Five Final Argumentative Essay. A thesis statement should be a declarative statement that makes one point in 25 words or less. The thesis statement must appear at the end of the introductory paragraph.
• Annotated Bibliography: Develop an annotated bibliography to indicate the quality of the sources you have read. For each annotation, you need to summarize in your own words how the source contributes to the solution of the global societal issue. Your annotation should be one to two paragraphs long (150 words or more) and fully address the purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic. The annotated bibliography must include no less than five scholarly sources that will be used to support the major points of the Final Argumentative Essay. Critical thinking skills need to be demonstrated by accurately interpreting evidence used to support various positions of the topic.
The Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography Assignment
• Must be 1,000 - 1,250 words in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student's name
o Course name and number
o Instructor's name
o Date submitted
• Must use at least five scholarly sources.
• Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
A refugee is someone fleeing from his country or is displaced to avoid war and cannot return home safely. They are sheltered by the international law, and will not be returned to their countries while their lives are at risk. The United Nations, high commission for refugees, has been facilitation the wellbeing of this less fortunate people for more than a century now. UNHCR records indicate that there are more than 20 million individuals in the world living as refugees (Sharma, 2015). The existence of refugees has both positive as well as negative to the socioeconomic order of the world.
The two countries, where the refugees are fleeing from and to both stand to benefit as well as suffer socioeconomic hardships. The host country will have pressure on its resources since the issue of having refugees is never planned nor factored in any policy. On the bright side, refugees bring in additional labor and market for products produced. The parent country will lose its source of labor.
The transatlantic trade and investment partnership is an aggressive, comprehensive, and high-level trade and investment pact between the United States and the European Union (Capaldo, 2015). The trade block was viewed to open up the market for the American made goods in the broader European market as well as provide opportunities for its expatriates and workforce. The onset of the arrangement is bound to have both positive and negative impacts to America.
The economic block allows for free movement of goods in terms of human labor and commodities. Business is expanded in the region, and a chance of specialization is created which goes a long way to enhance efficiency and cost reduction. The open market, however, may be a bad thing to the relatively slower economies as they will not be able to compete favourably. The developing industries in less stable states will fade to massive established competitions (Capaldo, 2015).
Capaldo, J. (2015). The trans-atlantic trade and investment partnership: European disintegration, unemployment and instability. Economia & lavoro, 49(2), 35-56.
Sharma, B. B. (2015). Revisiting the United Nations' 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees:. A Critical Analysis of the International Refugee Law. Social Development Issues, 37(2), 80-94.