Review the ana position statement on incivility-bullying

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Reference no: EM133482488


As the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer of a 200-bed acute care community hospital, you have been concerned about a number of lateral violence-related complaints among staff. You have decided to take a decisive stand and have assembled staff for a live address about the topic. make a speech to all staff to provide clear, decisive direction about incivility, bullying, and workplace violence. Include the following aspects in the assignment:

  • Review the ANA position statement on incivility, bullying, and workplace violence
  • Review the entirety of the AONE Guiding Principles: Mitigating Violence in the Workplace
  • Create the message you wish to send to all personnel at your agency or a previous agency at which you worked.

Reference no: EM133482488

Questions Cloud

Identify the social determinants of health : Identify one of the social determinants of health and one health priority that links to Mrs Singh's situation.
What is the biggest source of nursing research data : What is the biggest source of nursing research data? How do you analyze such data?
Exploring the community through the nurses role this term : Your most meaningful learning experience or "take away" achieved through participating in exploring the community through the nurses role this term.
What is soap woman coming in for pelvic inflammatory disease : What is a SOAP note for a woman coming in for pelvic inflammatory disease?
Review the ana position statement on incivility-bullying : Review the entirety of the AONE Guiding Principles: Mitigating Violence in the Workplace.
Describe how nurses are integrated into strategic planning : Identify two strategies you would use as a nurse manager to engage all nursing staff into the strategic planning process.
How does magnetic resonance imaging work : How does Magnetic Resonance Imaging work? What are the main technical challenges and limitations associated with using MRI for 3D medical imaging.
Discuss barriers to integrating this model in healthcare : What is a type of leadership model that is the opposite of the Shared Leadership Model explain the model.
How would measure the effectiveness of three intervention : How would you measure the effectiveness of each three intervention, at what intervals would you monitor? How would you know if changes were needed?


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