Review the advancing sustainability report

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131098894

  1. Review chapters 2 and 6 in your PHR/SPHR: Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide.
  2. Download and review the Advancing Sustainability report, then select an organization with which you are familiar (preferably, your current workplace).  Create a five to six minute, eight to 10 slide PowerPoint presentation addressing the HRM topic of sustainability and corporate social responsibility.  The intention of the presentation is to inform and to persuade key organizational leaders about the prospect of developing and implementing a corporate sustainability program.  You are in the role of HR manager.  The CEO has asked that you put together this brief but informative presentation for the board of directors.  Include the following content areas in the robust and professional slideshow:
    1. Introduction to the research (the SHRM report and any other applicable research studies) and the definition of sustainability as provided in the report.
    2. Sustainability as an emerging area of interest.
    3. Key drivers for investment in sustainability.
    4. Positive outcomes from sustainability initiatives.
    5. HR's role in creating and implementing an effective sustainability strategy.
    6. Methods organizations use to demonstrate commitment to sustainability.
    7. Drawing from research findings, suggestions, best practices, and lessons learned in other organizations (or even the current workplace), present your vision for a proposed corporate sustainability program for the organization to also include:
      1. A definition of sustainability to fit in with your own organization's culture.
      2. An orientation toward sustainability that is much more than compliance.
      3. A program proposal emphasizing the people dimensions of sustainability.
      4. Specific methods and how those methods integrate strategically with the organization's mission, vision, values, and goals.
    8. The top five obstacles preventing organizations from implementing sustainable workplace business practices and how to overcome those through the proposal.
    9. A Christian worldview is to be integrated into the presentation and proposal.
  3. The five to six minutes, eight to 10 slides PowerPoint should be professionally constructed with a good balance of words, space, and graphics (web links may be inserted as well).  The embedded speech notes are to be single spaced, but otherwise adhere to APA requirements (i.e., in-text citations, two spaces between sentences, one space all else and so forth) and mechanics (i.e., sentence structure, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and grammar).  A title slide and reference slide are to be included, in addition to the required slide count.  The PowerPoint presentation is to have embedded notes totaling at least 600 but no more than 900 words. 

Reference no: EM131098894

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