Reference no: EM133404579
Questions: Week Six Discussion Board Prompt:
1. Review the above TED Talk with Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, "Reflections on Women in Science--Diversity & Discomfort." What does she say about the gender roles and expectations of when she came of age in the 1950s and their continued perpetuation in society today and around the globe? How do they contribute to institutional sexism and unconscious bias? What does Bell Burnell identify as the problem? What does she say needs to change about it and why change would be advantageous for not only Science, but for society overall?
Listening Assignment Week 8
Listen to "Spinning Wheel" as recorded by Blood, Sweat and Tears and comment on its musical features (creative use of meter, etc.) and how the song incorporated elements of jazz into the rock music genre.
Mixtape (Listening Assignment) 6
Choose three (3) contrasting country rock songs that you find to be musically exceptional with meaningful lyrics. Briefly describe (3-5 sentences) the significance of your selections and what role, if any, these songs have played in your life.
Discussion Forum - Week 8
Many southern bands proudly identified with cultural aspects of the former confederate stats of the southern United States. Are there other regions in the United States that have music that similarly represents the region? Is the southern identity residue from the Civil War, or are there other reasons for it?
Video: Reflections on women in science -- diversity and discomfort: Jocelyn Bell Burnell at TEDxStormont